Internet Publishing Examples
Here are some good example web pages. Each one does something very well. After you've seen the browser-generated page, take a look at the code to see how the writers put it together. Learn from them. Please do not steal their code. The folks who wrote these pages worked hard to publish these sites. Make notes, then write your own.
- Virtual St. Louis An example of a city tour page from the old home town. Graphically, this site is still a bit unskilled, but the content is interesting--if rather hip. Note the non-commercial tone of the site. This is not the work of the local Chamber of Commerce.
- Total Baseball Online Note the depth of this site and its interactiveness. All pages highlight substantial content, but are presented in an aesthetically pleasing, easily navigated way. Nice balance between aesthetics and functionality.
- Experience Power Design Power Design, Inc., shows the possibilities of graphics in a Web site. See what you can do when you use your imagination and let the technology follow?
- Lion's Den An interesting corporate site apparently designed to generate interest in its products among an audience of movie-goers who also surf the web. Good for its use of visual and audio to stimulate excitement.
- Coca-Cola Company Another mega-corporation's offering to the web. This one takes advantage of the opportunity to promote its stock and product, while working hard to develop the company's image. Good graphics, page and site design, easily navigated, a fun, enoyable experience. Note that the interactive "Speak your mind" page shows the company's desire to appear attentive to its consumers -- a direct touch made possible by the medium -- but it also lets the company collect valuable marketing feedback. Note also the games page and mystery page that are fun but still promote product.
- Levi Strauss Company This is a deep site, not as visually interesting throughout as other sites, but rich in content. All is focused at an international level on selling product to consumers. The image it promotes is strong, emphasizing history, up-to-date fashion, and international appeal, gets a bit heavy for me (did I say "seems arrogant"?), but for the fiercely loyal, this site might be manna.
- Seeds of Life Still one of my favorite sites. Excellent content, high quality graphics, bilingual (French and English versions), a poetic beauty. Graphics integrate well with text and carry a heavy informational load without overburdening. Everything combines into a kind of poetry that makes this site delightful. Visuals, text, organization, navigation work together to develop a pleasing tone or "feel." A good example of the educational and artistic possiblities of the Web. Lots of thought went into the concept, design, research, and production of this site.
- Tripod Well designed, well organized, interesting both visually and texually. Notice the laid-back, but serious, tone that's created through choice of language, content, and graphics, and see how that tone is reinforced through organization and navigation.
Search Engines
http://www.umsl.edu/~klein/Examples.html - - Revised 1/20/97
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