Prepared by: Rosanne Vrugtman, Class Member

"Dialogues in Andragogy"

University of Missouri-St. Louis -- Winter 2000



As my contribution to the "Dialogues in Andragogy" class, I undertook the task of transcribing the tapes from all six of our class sessions. The complete set of original tapes (approximately 48 hours in length) and a full printed transcript will be archived in the office of Dr. John Henschke and/or at the Ward Barnes Library, Marillac Campus, University of Missouri-St. Louis. The complete transcription also will be provided on diskettes, to be housed and maintained with the printed work. Additionally, the transcripts will be posted in their entirety on the class website, created by class member Rudi Vrugtman. It was the intention of the class that, by these means, the contents of our discussions will be accessible in print and in a searchable, digital format to all interested others, including teachers, learners, researchers, historians, and the like.


First, transcription of these tapes proved to be a demanding and time-intensive undertaking. With apologies from the transcriber, the reader will undoubtedly find numerous errors. Early in the process, I realized it would be unreasonable to attempt to complete the transcriptions AND make the notes error-free by the end of the course. It is my hope that someone will one day offer to proof and correct the transcripts, especially for misquotes and misspelled names, etc. In the meantime, the individual user is admonished to expect transcription errors throughout. I further invite users to make corrections as required for their applications.

Second, I wanted these notes to capture the informality and conversationality of the setting while providing a faithful record of our class discussions. These are not word-for-word accounts, and I have made editorial decisions throughout the transcription process. In particular, I have intentionally omitted extraneous elements like house-keeping details, side comments, verbal fillers, etc. Generally, where I have done so, I have included italicized comments to describe the proceedings and explain the omission. Occasionally, I was simply unable to distinguish some portion of the tape. In some cases, I have inserted words or phrases that were in keeping with the context of the discussion and the speaker's (perceived) intended meaning. I believe what remains is, therefore, a faithful record and reliable account of the class proceedings.


The following "Copyright Notice" covers accepted uses of these materials.



"Dialogues in Andragogy"

University of Missouri-St. Louis -- Winter 2000

© Copyright 2000, "Dialogues in Andragogy" class, University of Missouri-St. Louis. All rights reserved.

The "Dialogues in Andragogy" class (ED 404/ADU ED 415, Winter 2000) at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, possesses a copyright on all text and graphics images of all documents at this site. The instructor and class members, participants, and visitors grant permission for information posted on this site to be used freely by those who share an interest in andragogy. For those wishing to use or share information posted on this site, written permission is not required, though the following conditions are imposed:

  1. Information on this site is intended to promote scholarly inquiry into "adult learning" in general and into "andragogy" in particular; and it is available to all persons engaged in such inquiry, whether pro, con, ambiguous or undecided.
  2. No commercial use may be made of information posted on this site without the written permission of the copyright owner(s).
  3. All individuals or agencies using information from this site are expected to provide proper citation as a matter of academic honesty and professional courtesy.

For more information on copyright information please contact the individual listed below:

© Copyright 2000
Dr. John Henschke
Professor, Adult Education
Division of Teaching and Learning
University of Missouri - St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121
Phone: 314-516-5946 Fax: 314-516-5942