Action Items
Work making presentations clear and pedagogically sound (like optional sections for textbooks) is real, important, and timely physics. If you wish to help in this regard on sections we’re putting together, let me know. Invite me give a talk, and I’ll describe other sections in the works as well.
Participate in discussions with teachers about these issues. For example, I’ve requested a cracker-barrel session at the Summer 1999 AAPT meeting on How can 20th century simplifications benefit introductory classes?. The subject: “Deep insights of this century, like those of Minkowski, Feynman, and Shannon, are simplifying senior and Edwin Taylor's ‘second’ courses. Might they impact introductory class teaching as well, and how?” Join us.
This initiative can also make intro-physics courses more relevant to computer science and biology majors! Sound physical intuition in one’s understanding of both computer and biological codes, for example, will likely be important for all decision-makers in days ahead.