Computer Problem-Solving Workshop

At present this is an informal 8-week "course" in computer problem-solving choices. It will tentatively meet on Wed & Sat afternoons for "in-towners" and involve 3 classes and 3 assignments each on computer-assisted problem-solving when doing detective work on natural systems with:

Excel or other spreadsheets

  • Plot data from an anyspeed airtrack to discover what laws operate at high speed
  • As above, for data from sliced interstellar graphite onions with upper and lower uncertainty limits, to discover the laws governing core/rim diameter ratios
  • Make a Size Histogram from Data on Bug-Juice Crystals

    MathCAD or other physical-science calculators

  • Defining, Tracking, and Changing Units of Gravitational Acceleration
  • Root Solving and Plots of Constant Acceleration at Any Speed
  • Matrix and Equation Solving of Circuits with Kirchoff's Laws

    Mathematica, Maple, or other symbolic math programs

  • Analytical Roots for the Equations of Constant Acceleration
  • 3D/contour/parametric plots of E-fields and Klein Bottles
  • Using Taylor Series for Analytical Approximation of Gas Laws

    HTML/Java and other web development tools

  • Using the Web to solve problems in Microscopy of Crystals
  • Putting Reports of your Own Work on the Web
  • Write an Applet to Calculate Event Horizon Radii

    Visual BASIC or other graphical programming languages

  • Write a Program to Calculate Event Horizon Radii
  • Simulate Orbits of a Bound Particle
  • Generate and Analyse Data from a Matrix of Simulation Experiments

    Our first implementation of this workshop is scheduled to begin in the 2nd week of May, 1999. If you have suggestions or are interested in helping out or participating, drop at note to