

About the Minor

The Department offers a minor in Economics to students who want to develop some knowledge in this field but wish to major in another discipline.  Students completing a Business Administration degree, a minor in Environmental Studies, a Certificate in Conservation Biology, a Certificate in Actuarial Studies, or a Math degree with related coursework in Economics can obtain a minor with just a few extra courses.

Requirements for the Minor

Candidates for a minor in economics must take a minimum of 15 hours in economics. The following courses are required:

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For the remaining 9 hours, 3 hours must be at or above the 2000 level and 6 hours must be at or above the 3000 level. It is recommended that students take ECON 3001, Intermediate Economic Theory: Microeconomics and/or ECON 3002, Intermediate Economic Theory: Macroeconomics. ECON 3100, Economics Statistics, cannot be counted towards the economics minor if the student has also taken SCMA 3300, MATH 1320, or equivalent.

A GPA of 2.0 or better is required for courses presented for the minor. The satisfactory/unsatisfactory (s/u) option may be applied to ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 only.

For more information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Michael Allison.