About the Minor in Economics
The Department offers a minor in Economics to students who want to develop some knowledge in this field but wish to major in another discipline. Students completing a Business Administration degree, a minor in Environmental Studies, a Certificate in Conservation Biology, a Certificate in Actuarial Studies, or a Math degree with related coursework in Economics can obtain a minor with just a few extra courses.
Requirements for the Minor
Candidates for a minor in economics must take a minimum of 15 hours in economics. The following courses are required:
For the remaining 9 hours, 3 hours must be at or above the 2000 level and 6 hours must be at or above the 3000 level. It is recommended that students take ECON 3001, Intermediate Economic Theory: Microeconomics and/or ECON 3002, Intermediate Economic Theory: Macroeconomics. ECON 3100, Economics Statistics, cannot be counted towards the economics minor if the student has also taken SCMA 3300, MATH 1320, or equivalent.
A GPA of 2.0 or better is required for courses presented for the minor. The satisfactory/unsatisfactory (s/u) option may be applied to ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 only.
For more information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Brian Speicher.
Certificate in Applied Econometrics and Data Analysis
This Certificate is designed to prepare students to perform applied econometric analysis in a variety of professional settings: banks, telecomm companies, consulting firms, etc. BS students can further distinguish themselves with this Certificate, which can be combined with the BS, the MA, or completed as a freestanding certificate.
Certificate in Actuarial Studies (Undergraduate)
A number of quantitative courses offered by the Department help satisfy the prerequisites for the Certificate in Actuarial Studies and help fulfill the VEE requirements in Economics and Applied Statistics. These courses have received approval of the Society of Actuaries (SOA).
Public Policy Administration (PPA) Graduate Certificate in Policy and Program Evaluation (PPE)
For MA students interested in policy, it is possible to earn the Certificate without any additional coursework beyond what is required for the MA alone, by taking courses required for both the MA and the PPE Certificate and choosing PP ADM classes for some of your non-Economics electives.