
Clinton A. Greene, Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorGreene
Department of Economics
Email: clinton_greene@umsl.edu

Dr. Greene joined the Department in 1994. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Davis in 1992 with fields in monetary economics, mathematical economics and economic history. Dr. Greene teaches undergraduate and graduate macroeconomics, economic development and growth, and time-series empirical methods (econometrics) for undergraduate and graduate students. Much of his research is concerned with bringing scientific sensibilities to empirical economics. This includes papers such as "Data Mining" in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics". He has also done work on theories of money which imply a non-linear relationship between monetary policy and economic activity, such as the paper "Smooth-Adjustment Econometrics And Inventory-Theoretic Money Management", in The Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. His current applied work uses previous results on modeling money to improve methods for understanding and forecasting changes in inflation.