
Susan K. Feigenbaum, Ph.D.

FeigenbaumCurators' Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita
Department of Economics
Email: sskfeig@umsl.edu 

Prior to joining the Department in 1988, Professor Emerita Feigenbaum was Associate Professor at Claremont McKenna College. She has also held the position of Chief of Methodology Development, Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission and has been a Scholar-in-Residence at the Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University. Dr. Feigenbaum, who received her Ph. D. in 1980 from the University of Wisconsin--Madison, is an applied econometrician interested in the areas of health economics, public choice, and the economics of science. Her most cited published work includes: "The Technological Obsolescence of Scientific Fraud," Rationality and Society (1996); "Denying Access to Life-Saving Technologies," Regulation (Winter 1994); "The Market for (Ir) Reproducible Econometrics," Social Epistemology (Fall 1993); "Body Shop Economics: What's Good for Our Cars May Be Good for Our Health," Regulation (Fall 1992); "Medicare's Prospective Payment System: A Victim of Aggregation Bias?" Review of Economics and Statistics (1992). Dr. Feigenbaum received a competitive five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to support her research on scientific integrity in economic analysis; served as Senior Investigator on an NSF curriculum innovation grant to improve the teaching of introductory microeconomics; and, served as Senior Investigator on an NSF Laboratory Grant to create the UMSL Laboratory for Quantitative Economic Analysis. In 1997, she received the Governor's Award for Teaching Excellence, and in 1999 she received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. Dr. Feigenbaum has served as Vice-President of the Midwest Economics Association and as an Executive Board member for the Western Economics Association. In the spring of 2000, she was named by then-Governor Mel Carnahan as a Trustee for the Missouri Consolidated Health Plan, a state commission charged with providing health insurance for state and municipal employees.  Dr. Feigenbaum was awarded the title of Curators' Teaching Professor in 2015.