MacVNC - VNC server for MacintoshIntroductionUse of the Mac server should be straightforward if you are familiar with the concepts behind VNC, and have a suitable VNC viewer running on another machine. Read 'What is VNC?' and 'Getting Started' if you haven't already done so - they'll give you a good overview, despite being Unix and Windows-orientated. Note. This is a beta release. As with all VNC software, you use at your own risk! We welcome bug fixes and comments. Requirements:To use the Macintosh VNC server, you will need:
Quick Start
You should now be able to go to another machine which has a TCP/IP connection to this one, and connect using a VNC viewer. DocumentationFull documentation is now included with the package. Please refer to this for further information. Any comments regarding this program should be directed to the VNC
mailing list.
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For comments, feedback, etc, please see the 'Keeping
in touch' page.