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Spring 2023 Instructions for Completing Enrollment Verification 

  1. Sign into MyConnect by clicking on the following link:
  2. This will take you directly to your “Progress Surveys” tab in the “Students” section. There is a drop down menu at the top of the page that will have a list of all surveys that need to be completed:
    • Enrollment Verification survey in MyConnect
    • These instructions specifically apply to surveys with "Enrollment Verification" in their display title.
  3. Once you have a roster, click the box in the “student has never attended class” column or “never logged into online course” column if they apply to a student. The student will receive a warning email from the Registrar and be administratively dropped from the course.
  4. If all students are attending, submit the survey with no check marks. This will formally confirm that all students are attending the course. Students who are not marked for a flag will NOT receive any notifications for this survey.
    • The Submit button is at the top right and bottom right of the page.
    • If you have multiple surveys, MyConnect will automatically display a prompt asking if you wish to complete the remaining surveys in your queue. Otherwise, you can manually return back to your active progress survey(s) by clicking here with your left mouse button.


1 Pressing "submit" before you go through the entire roster will prematurely submit the survey and close it from further editing. Only press "submit" when you have gone through the entire roster.
2 If you have completed the survey but have not clicked the "submit" button, the form will not save and remain marked as "incomplete".

If there are any questions or issues with the online survey, please contact Betsy Sampson (sampson@umsl.edu).


Video instructions for the general completion of an assigned MyConnect survey can be accessed by clicking on the accordian button below:



This video is best viewed on the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox internet browsers.