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Virtual Classes at Skills Lab

Live Face-to-Face Interactions

Our online classes have been designed to provide you an interactive experience in which you can ask questions and make sure you understand a topic before moving on to the next one. You will have live interaction with an instructor and other classmates online. The same skilled instructors bring real-world situations and experiences into the virtual classroom.

The Online Experience

During class, you will follow the instructor on a shared screen and see their demos and illustrations to help you master the software and technology. In a separate window or screen on your computer, you will have hands-on examples as you follow along in the class. Lab work and exercises are included to help you practice, engage, and retain the material. You have the option to use the software on your machine or you can remote into one of our computers

The day before the class, we will send you instructions with a Zoom link, a PDF of course materials, and other links to classroom resources that you may need.

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Dedicated Staff

In addition to our instructors and registration staff, our IT support team is available to assist you. Before class begins, they will be online to answer questions and help you log in and gain access to our computers and servers.


Feedback from our students has been overwhelmingly positive.

I just wanted to say that I really liked doing the class online. I was a little bit skeptical initially, but I actually preferred it to the in person classes. I put the instructor on my left monitor and my classwork on my right monitor and it was really easy to follow along. Easier than in the classroom where you are looking back and forth from the projector to your screen. I encourage you to continue the online classes even after the Covid [Pandemic] is over.
Mike WrobPresident, Backer Marathon, Inc.