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Faced with the increasing need to get information quickly, companies are turning to business intelligence software like Crystal Reports to organize their raw data into meaningful, sophisticated reports. With Crystal Reports, you can create reports from a wide variety of data formats, including Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle databases, and you can easily refresh these reports to retrieve up-to-date data from the underlying source. You can also use Crystal Reports’ data selection, grouping, and summarizing tools to help business users, information analysts, and executives make sense of vast amounts of data. Finally, Crystal Reports’ extensive formatting capabilities can help you present your reports in an easy-to-read, professional format. While Crystal Reports includes wizards that help you create reports quickly, this course focuses on creating reports manually by teaching you how to use specialized tools to select records, group and summarize data, and apply formatting.

Courses Taught:

Introduction to Crystal Reports 
Intermediate Applications of Crystal Reports 
Advanced Applications of Crystal Reports