Find a Transfer Specialist

The transfer of credit is possibly the top concern amongst transfer students. How much of your course work will transfer to a school and how much will count towards your degree completion can be the difference between a few more semesters and few more years and can mean thousands of dollars saved or lost.

Our Transfer Specialists are available by appointment at the UMSL campus and at the campuses of many of the major Community Colleges in and around the St. Louis area. A Specialist can review your transcripts for transferability of credit and offer to connect you with one of our Admission Transfer Advisors whom can help you pick out classes at your current institution that will best transfer towards your degree at UMSL. Our Transfer Specialist can provide you with information on all programs and degrees offered by UMSL, provide an overview of financial aid, and act as a regular resource for you in your time before and after transfer.

To set up an appointment to meet with a Transfer Specialist at the following campuses, just call or email us:

The University of Missouri-St. Louis
351 Millennium Student Center
Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm
(314) 516-5451 or 
East Central College
Zak Tierney
(314) 516-6948 or 
Jefferson College
Tami Davenport
(314) 320-4410or
Mineral Area College
Tami Davenport
(314) 320-4410 or
Southwestern Illinois College
Iriah Wilkerson 
(314) 516-6472 or 
St. Charles Community College
Zak Tierney 
(314) 516-6948 or
St. Louis Community College - Florissant Valley  
Zak Tierney
(314) 516-6948 or 
St. Louis Community College - Meramec 
Linh Mach 
(314) 516-5014 or 
St. Louis Community College - Forest Park
Iriah Wilkerson
(314) 516-6472 or
Lewis & Clark Community College
Linh Mach
(314) 516-5014 or