
Lab Policies

General Policies

The Student Computing Labs are available to faculty, staff and students of UMSL only. You may be asked for a VALID UMSL ID to verify student status. 

Always apply normal standards of academic ethics and polite conduct to your use of computing facilities.

Drinks, food, tobacco, or unapproved containers are not allowed in the computing labs.

Please report any software or hardware problems to the consultant on duty. Your assistance helps keep all labs in good operation.

We expect all users to abide by our printing policies.

The labs are intended for educational purposes. Use of equipment for a private enterprise is strictly prohibited. Limit personal computing activities as not to interfere with other users wanting to use the facilities for scholastic purposes.

All software available in the computing labs is protected by federal copyright law. Copying of proprietary and licensed software is prohibited. Do not copy software from lab computers. Violation of copyright law or licensing agreements may result in University disciplinary action and/or legal action.

The lab telephone is for lab staff and emergency use only.

Children are not allowed into the Instructional Support Services Labs unsupervised. All Children must be in the company of an adult. Parents with children that are disrupting other users, or restricting access to Instructional Support Services resources will be asked to leave the lab.

ID Policy

You must have your student ID to use any of the open computing labs, as you may be asked to present your ID at any time. This ID is issued to all new students and if lost, can be replaced for a fee, by the Technology Support Center, located in the MSC room 190.