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University of Missouri uses Microsoft 365 to provide email accounts for students, faculty, and staff.

Your username for Microsoft 365 is based on your SSO ID, ssoid@umsystem.edu.

All official University communications will be sent to your campus email address.

To activate your Microsoft 365 account:

  1. Activate your UMSL SSO ID.
  2. Log in using your ssoid@umsystem.edu username and password.


Email features

  • 25GB mail quotas
  • Outlook Web Access client provides convenient access to email.
  • Improved ability to manage emails subject to retention policies.
  • Reduced need to use PST files for archiving email. By moving the contents of your PSTs back into your mailbox, you can browse or search for those items through OWA.
  • Enhanced Out of Office Assistant. You can set an auto-reply message for senders outside of UM that is separate from the one seen by senders within UM.
  • Conversation view (available in OWA as well as the desktop client) enables you to quickly identify the most recent messages in a chain of grouped messages and responses, even when messages are located in different folders. A conversation of grouped messages can be managed as a whole.

Email Client Configuration

Outlook clients will attempt to auto-discover and configure the correct settings for your ssoid@umsystem.edu account.


Outlook desktop clients

Outlook 2016 is the minimum supported version for Windows, but will no longer be supported by Microsoft as of 2021.

Outlook 2019 or Office 365 is recommended.

Download Office 365 for Windows and Mac

Mobile devices
  • Android
  • iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

The Outlook app is recommended for mobile devices, and should auto-discover the correct settings for your account. 

Once your Exchange account moves to Microsoft 365, you may need to delete the existing account profile and re-add it.

POP/IMAP Clients Note: Due to limitations and risks with the POP/IMAP protocols, the University has removed POP/IMAP access to faculty/staff email.

Microsoft 365 email

Mobile devices

Install the Outlook app  

Outlook Desktop Application

Download and install Office 365