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Research and Creative Scholarship

What is research?

When you hear the word research, what do you first think of? Perhaps white coats, a laboratory setting, or something only reserved for graduate school? Although these things occur, it is a common misconception that research is solely this. However, research and creative scholarship occur in every discipline, and the techniques used differ in each. 

Research starts with asking a question through observation: How does this work? Or Why does this happen? It requires digging deeper and seeing if these questions are worth experimenting with or if they even go any further than just a question. Many of us may have repeatedly heard of the scientific method and the steps it takes to answer scientific questions. This method has been mentioned several times because it is an influential and critical factor in research, and you may see yourself going through these steps once you are involved in your own research!

Usually, research falls into three categories: 

  1. Basic research: curiosity-driven and to increase better understanding.
  2. Applied research: focuses on practical problem-solving by applying what you know
  3. Creative scholarship: involves innovation and expression in the arts but is still related to rigorous inquiry. 

Keep in mind that research is time-consuming, rigorous, requires thoroughness/precision, and requires a strict commitment to the norms and guidelines of your field. This is why it is essential to think about your area of interest in research before getting started. However, do not let this scare you. By contributing to research, you are figuring out something no one knows yet, giving you a chance to sharpen your skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, and discipline! Moreover, there are several helpful ways to get started, as well as mentors who are always looking to guide undergraduate students, which we will discuss in later topics.