In accordance with the SGA Constitution and Election Rules, there shall be at least one general Election to elect the University of Missouri - St. Louis SGA Executive officers of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Student Senators. A Special Election may be scheduled if multiple vacancies arise for Student Senators, or for one or more Executive Officer positions.
Ballots will be available electronically on the Triton Connect platform. Any student who, at the time of the Election, is enrolled in one or more courses for credit at the University of Missouri - St. Louis, shall be eligible to vote in the Election.
Election 2024 Details
Student voting takes place Monday (4/22) - Friday (4/26) in TRITON CONNECT!
Recording of the 2024 SGA Treasurer Debate
Recording of the 2024 SGA Vice President Debate
Recording of the 2024 SGA Presidential Debate
Introducing our comprehensive Voter Guide for the upcoming Student Government Association (SGA) election! This guide provides an overview of the election process, and the candidates running for each position. Dive into the details and make an informed decision about who will represent you best. Happy voting!