We, the Student Government Association (SGA), are here for you! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know so that we can assist you.
You can make sure your voice is heard by:
Attend an SGA General Assembly Meeting: Meetings are held on select Fridays at 12:30 pm and will remain hybrid for the remainder of the 2023 - 2024 academic year. In person, they will be in the SGA Chamber (room ti the right immediately when you get off the escalators on the third floor in the MSC). The virtual link for meetings can be found in the Triton Connect event a few days prior to the meeting. A complete schedule of general assembly meetings can be found on our website and on Triton Connect.
Visit the SGA Office: The SGA Office is located in the Office of Student Involvement suite (MSC 366). It is the first door on the right as soon as you walk in. SGA Executives and Senators hold a variety of office hours Monday - Friday. A complete listing of office hours is available in the SGA Office or by emailing sga@umsl.edu.
Email us: If you have a question, comment, concern, or kudos to share, please email us at sga@umsl.edu. We want to hear from you.
Our Mission
“The Student Government Association will work toward full student participation in all areas of university life, university affairs, and policy making. The Student Government Association will serve as the student voice to the university administration, faculty, and other campuses. In addition, the Student Government Association will implement the philosophy that all students be encouraged to govern themselves and be responsible for their government. The Student Government Association shall work with the faculty and administration to create and maintain comprehensive and quality academic programs, student services, and activities which contribute to the total development of University of Missouri – Saint Louis students, alumni, and the metropolitan, state, national, and International community.”
All Executive Officers and Senators make up the SGA Senate and are all voting members during Senate meetings.
Executive Officers
- President: Alexander (Alex) Orywall
- Vice President: Max Hood
- Treasurer: Zachary (Zach) Lenz
Student Assembly Officers
- Assembly Speaker: Grace Desjardins
- Secretary: Tori Bass
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Annika Brunner
- Parliamentarian: Elijah Echols
President's Cabinet
- Director of Communications: Vacant
- Director of Events and Special Projects: Vacant
- Student Director of Diversity and Inclusion: Vacant
- Student Director of Health, Wellness and Safety: Vacant
Student Senators
- Annika Brunner
- Elijah Echols
- Grace Desjardins
- Danni Doran
- Austin Wescott
- Michelle Harris
- Harshit Agarwal
- Traymon Thomas
- Tori Bass
- Aislinn Neubauer
- Logan Haas
- Reese Harbison