
The Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) is intended to provide support for Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) at UMSL for opportunities to which they might not otherwise have access. SABC's purpose is to provide partial financial support to RSOs so they can host events, participate in professional and team development activities, and assist with common operating expenses associated with student organizations. While SABC provides this assistance to RSOs with their activities and expenses, student organizations are encouraged to seek other sources of support in order to be financially self-sufficient. RSOs should never rely solely on SABC funding to cover 100% of their expenses. The purpose of SABC funding is to support and encourage RSOs as they contribute to the student experience at UMSL.

For instructions on how to create a Budget Request and Payment Request, please see video below.

SABC Spring 2025 Presentation

If your student organization was approved for funding from SABC, but a member of the organization purchased the approved items on their own, this information is for you! The person who made the purchase will need to digitally complete a Reimbursement/Voucher Form & a W-9 Form (download below). These completed forms will need to be combined with a digital copy of the receipt into one PDF. This PDF will then be attached to a Payment Request in Triton Connect.

  • Reimbursement/Voucher Form: This form is used to reimburse student organization members when personal funds have been spent to purchase supplies for a budgeted organization event. *Note: the University's tax-exempt status cannot be used to purchase supplies. You will not be reimbursed for tax on any purchase*
  • W-9 Form : This form is used alongside the Reimbursement/Voucher Form to provide proper payment information so the student organization member can be properly reimbursed.

A few reminders when it comes to being reimbursed:

  • You will not be reimbursed on any taxes that were paid, nor can your student organization claim tax-exempt status on behalf of the University.
  • Reimbursements take some time to be processed.
  • Reimbursement paperwork should be submitted no less than 14 days following your event or the date the items were purchased.
RSOs may request funding for expenses that fall into one of three categories -- General Operations, Team Development, and Programming.
  • General Operations are expenses related to the logistics of operating a student group day-to-day. General operations funding may be requested multiple times per semester, but funding for an identical line-item will not be approved again until the prior allocation was used (e.g. if the student group is allocated $200 for giveaways, the student group must spend that entire allocation before requesting additional funding for giveaways). Student groups will only be allocated funding for t-shirts once per semester.

Student groups shall not receive more than $1,000 in general operations funding per academic year.

  • Team Development funding which student groups may receive for up to three (3) Team Development Activities per semester, with a maximum of five (5) per year. In order to be considered as Team Development, the activity must include an obvious team-building or development component. SABC will only allocate funding for transportation, lodging, and registration or admission expenses for a conference. SABC will not allocate funding for tickets or admission to activities that are considered “just for fun”. There must be an obvious team development component in the activity. SABC will not allocate funding for food of any kind under Team Development requests.

Student groups shall not receive more than $2,000 in team development funding per academic year. 

  • Programming funding can be used for programs or events hosted by student groups at UMSL. In order to be eligible for SABC programming funds, the program or event must be free, open to, and accessible for all UMSL students. SABC-funded programs should take place on UMSL’s campus unless there is an extenuating circumstance in which an off-campus venue is necessary (justification must be provided). 

Student groups can request up to $2,000 of programming funds per semester, but the cost of one single event may not exceed $1,000.  

View the Complete SABC Guidelines

View the SABC Scoring Rubric

The Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) is always looking for new members! This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is looking to get involved on campus.

Benefits include:

  • Being the first to know when and where exciting events are happening on campus!
  • Gain experience in budgeting, decision-making, and collaboration.
  • Help decide which events and initiatives receive funding, impacting the vibrancy of our campus community.
  • Work closely with fellow students, faculty, and staff, while making lasting friendships.
  • Adding a great experience to your resume.

Responsibilities include:

  • Attending bi-weekly meetings.
  • Providing input in the review of budget requests submitted by Student Organizations.
  • Review SABC Guidelines

SABC meeting times shift based on members’ availability each semester. Meetings typically last thirty minutes to an hour.

Want to be a part of the SABC Committee? Join here: SABC Interest Form

If you have any questions or concerns - sabc@umsl.edu

Resources coming soon!