
The first few weeks of every semester are packed with events, programs, and activities designed to connect new and returning students to UMSL! We hope you make friends, explore campus, meet faculty and staff, and feel that Triton pride!

Check out this page to see what to expect during your first few weeks and all of the exciting events we've hosted last semester! 

Welcome Programming

Fall 2024 Welcome Programming - August 19-30, 2024



Monday, August 19 | First Day of Classes!

Help-A-Triton Welcome Tables & Photo Booth, 8am - 4pm | Various Locations

Paint By Number Mural, 10am - 12pm | Millennium Student Center (MSC), Fireside Lounge

Penthouse Party (Come get involved with Office of Student Involvement), 1pm - 2:30pm | Millennium Student Center, 3rd Floor, Room 366

Tuesday, August 20

Help-A-Triton Welcome Tables & Photo Booth, 8am - 4pm | Various Locations

Vision Board Party, 10am - 12pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Penthouse Party (Come get involved with Office of Student Involvement), 1pm - 2:30pm | Millennium Student Center, 3rd Floor, Room 366

Interfraternity Council Meet & Greet, 3pm - 5pm | Millennium Student Center, Patio

Wednesday, August 21

Petting Zoo, 12pm - 2pm | Recreation and Wellness Center East Lawn  

Triton Connect Tutorial, 3:30pm | Online

Sorority Sunset, 6pm - 8pm  | Millennium Student Center, 3rd Floor Rotunda

Thursday, August 22

Panhellenic FAQ Tabling, 11am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Bridge

Panhellenic Preview, 6pm | Millennium Student Center, SGA Chambers (3rd Floor) 

Friday, August 23

Oak Hall Pool Party, 7pm - 9pm | Oak Hall Pool 



Monday, August 26

Service with the Sororities, 9am - 11am | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Triton Connect Tutorial, 12pm - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Third Floor, Room 366 (Office of Student Involvement)

Tuesday, August 27

Associated Black Collegians Ice Cream Social, 2pm - 4pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

National Panhellenic Council 101, 5pm-6pm | Millennium Student Center, SGA Chamber

Stomp the Yard, 6pm - 8pm | Recreation and Wellness Center East Lawn

Wednesday, August 28

Involvement Jamboree, 11am - 1pm | Recreation and Wellness Center East Lawn

Panhellenic Preview, 3pm | Millennium Student Center, SGA Chambers (Third Floor)

Thursday, August 29

Service with the Fraternities, 9am - 11am | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Inclusive Excellence Mixer, 12pm - 2pm | Millennium Student Center, Room 366 (Office of Student Involvement) 

Move-In Bingo, 7pm - 9pm | Edcollabitat

Friday, August 30

Besties, Bagels, and Board Games, 11am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge


To check out additional events happening on campus during the first two weeks, click the button below and log into Triton Connect -- UMSL's app for student organizations, events, and other activities! 

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1. Visit Triton Connect
2. Login using your UMSL SSO ID and Password
3. Set up your User Profile
4. Browse Upcoming Events & Student Organizations

Previous Welcome Programming

Spring 2024 Welcome Programming - January 16-27, 2024


Tuesday, January 16 | First Day of Classes!

Help-A-Triton Welcome Tables & Photo Booth, 8am - 4pm | Various Locations

Penthouse Party (Come get involved with Office of Student Involvement), 1pm - 2:30pm | Millennium Student Center (MSC), 3rd Floor, Room 366

MLK Week of Service Event -- LifeWise STL: New Mom Kits, 1pm - 2:30pm | OSI - Penthouse (Millennium Student Center 366)

Wednesday, January 17

Help-A-Triton Welcome Tables & Photo Booth, 8am - 4pm | Various Locations

How to Get Involved Tabling, 11am - 2pm | Millennium Student Center, Bridge 

Warm Up with SGA, 12:30pm - 1:30pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

MLK Week of Service Event -- St. Louis Area Diaper Bank: First Period Kits, 3pm - 4:30pm | OSI - Penthouse (Millennium Student Center 366)

Paint by Number Mural, 3pm - 4:30pm  | Millennium Student Center, Nosh (1st Floor) 

Thursday, January 18

MLK Week of Service Event -- ImpactLife Blood Drive, 11am - 2:30pm | Donor Bus - Parking Lot E (outside of the MSC)

How to Get Involved Tabling, 11am - 2pm | Millennium Student Center, Bridge 

Paint by Number Mural, 3pm - 4:30pm  | Millennium Student Center, Nosh (1st Floor) 

Friday, January 19

MLK Week of Service Event -- United Way of Greater St. Louis: Personal Hygiene Kits, 11am - 1pm | OSI - Penthouse (Millennium Student Center 366)

Besties, Bagels, and Board Games, 11am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Pick-Up Football (Soccer), 5pm - 8pm | UMSL Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC)

Just Dance Party, 5:30pm - 7pm | ED Collabitat (South Campus)

Saturday, January 20

Men's and Women's Swimming, 12pm | Mark Twain Athletic Center 


Monday, January 22

Triton eSports Spring Tryouts, All Week | eSports Arena (Millennium Student Center, First Floor)

Yard Games with the Guys, 11am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Nosh Quarters 

Transfer Students Treat-Yo-Self, 1pm - 3pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Tuesday, January 23

Transfer Student Meetup for the Jamboree, 10:30am - 11:30am | Millennium Student Center, Nosh Quarters (First Floor)

Spring Involvement Jamboree, 11am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, Rotundas

Cocoa and Cookies with Student Outreach and Support (SOS), 11:30am - 1pm | Millennium Student Center, 225

Japan Summer 2024 Study Abroad Info Session, 2pm-2:30pm | Check Triton Connect for Event Location

Library Research 101, 3:30pm | Check Triton Connect for Event Location

Wednesday, January 24

Associated Black Collegians (ABC):Donut Feel Good to be Back?, 10ampm - 12pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

Rainbow Reunion: LGBTQIA+ Welcome Social, 11am - 1pm | OSI - Penthouse (Millennium Student Center 366)

Panhellenic Paint n Sip, 6pm - 8pm | Millennium Student Center, Century Room C (Third Floor)

Thursday, January 25

Boba and Buttons Party, 12pm - 2pm | Millennium Student Center, Fireside Lounge

NPHC (National Pan-hellenic Council) Meet & Greet, 6pm - 8pm | Millennium Student Center, SGA Chambers (Third Floor) 

Friday, January 26

Games with the Greeks, 12pm - 2pm | Millennium Student Center, OSI - Penthouse (Millennium Student Center 366)

UPB New Years Bingo, 7pm - 8:30pm | ED Collabitat (South Campus)

Saturday, January 27

Women's Basketball Game, 1pm | Mark Twain Athletic Center 

Men's Basketball Game, 3pm | Mark Twain Athletic Center 

To check out additional events happening on campus during the first two weeks, click the button below and log into Triton Connect -- UMSL's app for student organizations, events, and other activities! 

Learn More


Triton Connect Logo

1. Visit Triton Connect
2. Login using your UMSL SSO ID and Password
3. Set up your User Profile
4. Browse Upcoming Events & Student Organizations

Upcoming Events