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Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

At the University of Missouri-St. Louis, we are driven by our mission: We Transform Lives. We strive to sustain a safe and healthy campus community of engaged students. A student at the University assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution and voluntarily joins a community of high achieving scholars. A student organization recognized by the University of Missouri also assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution. Consequently, students must adhere to community standards in accordance with the University’s mission and expectations as outlined in the University of Missouri Standard of Conduct

Students and student organizations are expected to demonstrate responsibility for their actions; respect the rights and property of others; and observe federal, state, and local laws, as well as University rules and policies.  These expectations have been established in order to protect a specialized environment conducive to learning which fosters integrity, academic success, personal and professional growth, and responsible citizenship. Students who have a concern about a possible violation of their rights may seek assistance from one of the following resources: the Title IX & Equity Office, the Division of Student Affairs, or the Academic Affairs Office.

The following outline is provided to summarize the general expectations for students while engaged in the University of Missouri-St. Louis experience.

Student Expectations:

  • Freedom of access to higher education
  • Freedom from infringement of rights by others, including forms of discrimination
  • Know how one will be evaluated academically, based solely on academic performance
  • Freedom to respectfully disagree with data or views presented in class
  • Representation in student matters through Student Government Association and various committees
  • Use of University facilities through proper procedures
  • Ability to organize and join student organizations
  • Free expression and peaceful assembly
  • Privacy of student records and the right to restrict directory information except under legal compulsion or where health and safety is involved
  • Due process in student conduct matters with opportunity to appeal through a procedure

Expectations of Students:

  • Respect the rights, opinions and property of others.
  • Comply with University officials acting in the scope and performance of their duties
  • Present grievances, complaints, and appeals through appropriate procedures
  • Practice personal and academic integrity and maintain standards of performance
  • Fulfill degree requirements as published
  • Respect other’s freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and right of petition
  • Know and comply with University policies and procedures

This is not intended to be used as a guideline for student conduct procedures or as University policy.