
If you're concerned about a student or something just doesn't feel right - we're here to help! Take out the guesswork by referring them to Student Advocacy & Care. 

Faculty and staff are on the front lines of identifying and referring students in need to appropriate resources. You may encounter an UMSL student who is facing food insecurity and hunger, homelessness and housing instability, risk of utility disconnection, lack of safe and affordable childcare, difficulty navigating public assistance programs, and struggling with a transition to independent life. Referring a student to Student Advocacy & Care allows our team to address these issues by providing resource referrals, case management, advocacy, crisis assistance, and guidance with public assistance. You don't have to have all the answers, but you can make a difference in a student's life by being the person who makes a connection.


Potential warning signs that a student may be in need of services:

If you should notice any of these behaviors or if a student discloses this information and you feel they may be in need of assistance from Student Advocacy & Care, please make a referral here



  • Sleeping in a car, motel, public area, or empty building
  • "Couch surfing" or do not have a regular place to stay
  • Has recently been kicked out or evicted
  • Is staying in an overcrowded or unsafe environment
  • Has not eaten a meal in several days and mentions being hungry
  • Has recently had Food Stamps or other benefits cut or reduced
  • Is bringing their children to class
  • Mentions being behind on bills
  • Has had their electricity or gas cut off recently

I Need Assistance

Refer a Student

Donate to Help


144 Millennium Student Center


Tips for a helpful referral to Student Advocacy & Care

Avoid personal opinions and subjective statements. Instead, focus on facts and observable behavior.
Include as many examples as needed for us to gain an understanding of the situation.
Students can request to view their referrals as part of their school record. Keep this in mind when you make your referral. 
If you feel a student is in imminent danger, call UMSL Police at 314-516-5155.