Assess how the university allocates resources to focus on strategic alignment and sustainable growth. Create a vibrant physical environment. Enhance and communicate the UMSL brand.
Goal 1
Improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of cross-campus service delivery and administrative processes to remove bottlenecks, reduce delays and make it easier for internal and external stakeholders to access and use campus systems and services.
- Continue to explore ways to utilized shared services for financial and HR work to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
- As enrollments improve, work to explore budget models that provide incentives to revenue generating units and units with high efficiency/effectiveness metrics.
Goal 2
Intentionally steward campus financial, physical, and human capital to sustain and grow UMSL as a premier urban public research university and anchor institution for the region by linking the budget process to the strategic plan.
- During the annual budget process, the strategic plan will be reviewed to ensure that resource allocations align with plan.
Goal 3
Improve career pathways for staff, transparency of tenure and promotion policies for faculty, and compensation scales for all to attract and retain high-quality faculty and staff.
- Academic units across campus will review and update tenure and promotion criteria and policies to be consistent with current UM System Guidelines, best practices, and UMSL’s mission and goals; after 5 years 95% of the academic units will have submitted updated and approved promotion guidelines that are readily available to all tenure-track/tenured faculty.
- Review the Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Promotion Processes to increase efficiency and increase transparency; campus-level guidelines will be reviewed and updated within two years; seek to have 80% of Assistant to Associate-level NTT faculty with above average annual evaluations promoted to the next rank within 2 years of being eligible.
- By Fall of 2024, Academic Affairs will add a section on faculty retention and advancement to academic units (departmental) five-year reviews to provide departments with benchmarks and a mechanism for feedback regarding development; after 5 years, 80% of academic units will have completed a 5-year review with this section.
- Develop training resources for supervisors and employees on career pathways at UMSL. HR provides annual training and corresponding business processes that communicate methods for growing your career at UMSL.
- Provide merit increases as the budget allows every year to full-time faculty and staff. Metric: The Justification Committee approves merit increases annually.
Goal 4
Invest in the physical environment of the campus to create a more vibrant and engaging campus for students, faculty, and staff.
- Completion of the Transform UMSL renovation project will lead to a 200 million dollar decrease in deferred maintenance.
- Provide resources to units to invest in the interior décor of existing physical spaces to create vibrancy and engagement. Vice Chancellors discuss with unit leaders their plan to invigorate their interior spaces.
Goal 5
Establish stakeholder-specific branding and messaging to highlight UMSL as a premier urban public research university, committed to providing high-quality, top-ranked, and affordable education for all types of students.
- Align marketing and messaging for upskilling and certification programs in partnership with the UMSL Advanced Workforce Center, UMSL Skills Lab, and assigned Online Program Managers. Metrics: increase website visits, requests for information and enrollment conversions across each area.
- Increase overall website traffic to with a focus on increasing visits to key landing pages centered around audience-specific messaging (freshmen, transfer, graduate, adult learners, community partners, research, etc.)
- Continue to refine the advertising media plan to better reach the target audience where they consume media.
- Further develop, integrate and share UMSL brand standards and key messaging by creating a thorough brand architecture and accessible campus-wide toolkit to be housed on the Marcom website.
Goal 6
Identify and develop new financial resources through gifts, grants, and public-private partnerships to provide additional resources to invest.
- Advancement will begin campaign planning efforts including an assessment of CRM data capabilities and reporting needs, fundraising priority ideation and prioritization, campaign feasibility, goal setting, and timeline.