Assess how the university allocates resources to focus on strategic alignment and sustainable growth. Create a vibrant physical environment. Enhance and communicate the UMSL brand.
Improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of cross-campus service delivery and administrative processes to remove bottlenecks, reduce delays and make it easier for internal and external stakeholders to access and use campus systems and services.
Intentionally steward campus financial, physical, and human capital to sustain and grow UMSL as a premier urban public research university and anchor institution for the region by linking the budget process to the strategic plan.
Improve career pathways for staff, transparency of tenure and promotion policies for faculty, and compensation scales for all to attract and retain high-quality faculty and staff.
Invest in the physical environment of the campus to create a more vibrant and engaging campus for students, faculty, and staff.
Establish stakeholder-specific branding and messaging to highlight UMSL as a premier urban public research university, committed to providing high-quality, top-ranked, and affordable education for all types of students.
Identify and develop new financial resources through gifts, grants, and public-private partnerships to provide additional resources to invest.