
Pillar 4 aspires to respond to market and workforce demands as well as higher education trends in course delivery to positively impact recruitment, enrollment, retention, graduation and post-graduate outcomes.

* Action approved for implementation in Year 1 (FY21).

Strategy 1

Develop and launch course/program formats and modalities to respond and align with post-traditional learner needs.


Objective 4.1.1

Drive increase in post-traditional student enrollment


  • Expand 8-week courses for targeted courses/programs. *
  • Expand flexible course design and delivery options. *
  • Expand 2+3 bachelor/master’s degree programs. *

Objective 4.1.2

Expand fully online degree offerings


  • Capitalize on investments in eLearning to scale high-demand programs and continue to push programs to explore online offerings. *

Strategy 2

Develop and launch market responsive programming.

Objective 4.2.1

Increase certificates and micro-credential options in targeted programs


  • Develop certificate programs that may be completed as a standalone credential or stack into a degree. *

Objective 4.2.2

Respond to customer demand and workforce development needs


  • Establish working groups to explore program proposal viability. *

Strategy 3

Engage local corporations and foundations.

Objective 4.3.1

Explore targeted program development for employees of corporations and foundations


  • Collaborate with corporate partners to assess and identify educational and workforce needs. *
  • Draft and develop flexible programs to meet corporate educational and workforce needs. *

Objective 4.3.2

Provide incentives for employees of corporate partners to enroll


  • Provide incentives such as application fee waivers or tuition discounts for employees of corporate partners.