
Pillar 2 seeks to maximize enrollment opportunities for new and current students by eliminating barriers to enrollment and degree persistence at UMSL.

* Action approved for implementation in Year 1 (FY21).

Strategy 1

Strategically deploy scholarship resources to increase enrollment yield.

Objective 2.1.1

Expand the university’s transfer and post-traditional/graduate populations


  • Implement a dedicated scholarship program for both part-time and post-traditional undergraduate students. *
  • Implement a dedicated scholarship program for master’s level graduate students.
  • Align housing scholarship funds to attract residential, on-campus transfer students
  • Invest in updates to university-managed housing to attract students. *

Strategy 2

Develop a full cycle financial counseling model for student populations. 

Objective 2.2.1

Ensure financial transparency and financial literacy related to cost of attendance and expected earnings


  • Develop a self-service software to provide a tuition estimator incorporating data based on degree of choice, financial aid, estimated earnings and loan repayment.
  • Implement a full cycle financial advising program.

Strategy 3

Adopt and implement processes and policies that enhance curricular transparency and remove enrollment barriers for transfer and post-traditional learners. 

Objective 2.3.1

Grow transfer and post-traditional learner student populations


  • Modify academic program session length, offerings and modalities. *
  • Institutionalize, normalize and promote Prior Learning Assessment credit. *
  • Invest in faculty to teach portfolio course and provide oversight of PLA implementation. *

Objective 2.3.2

Increase transfer applicant pool and quality of transfer experience


  • Expand and enhance articulation agreements and MOU’s. *
  • Develop internal transfer structures to enhance community.
  • Develop a transfer year experience program for incoming transfer students.

Strategy 4

Coordinate and enhance undergraduate and graduate student recruitment, engagement and outreach.

Objective 2.4.1

Restructure recruitment efforts across campus to increase efficiency and effectiveness


  • Invest in additional staff to serve as graduate recruitment specialists at the academic college level. *
  • Coordinate recruitment efforts across all academic units through Enrollment Management. *
  • Centralize admissions processes to provide efficiencies in processing and customer services. *

Objective 2.4.2

Increase transfer applicant pool and quality of transfer experience


  • Create and deploy full-funnel, multi-message communication flows for graduate programs, including part-time programs. *
  • Invest in additional software analyst support staff to enhance CRM integration. *
  • Invest in additional data analysis staff to inform data-driven decision making. *