
The Campus Master Plan sets the vision for UMSL’s physical environment. It’s our road map for the future of the UMSL campus and helps us drive decisions and guides investments in our facilities, development, renovations, infrastructure, land and space use, as well as architecture and design principles.

The University of Missouri–St. Louis Campus Master Plan was approved by the Board of Curators in November 2021 following a yearlong, inclusive planning process. To incorporate the experiences and ideas of all parts of the UMSL community and our surrounding communities, a comprehensive survey as well as stakeholder sessions were held to gather detailed feedback about the kinds of physical spaces and amenities individuals wanted to see on and around campus to support future growth.

The result was a is a flexible Campus Master Plan that shapes the campus environment over the next five years, but extends far beyond as needs, opportunities and resources advance to ensure that spaces in and around UMSL serve our communities now and into the future.

Download Campus Master Plan (PDF)

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