Time  Topic Speaker
7:30-8:00 Registration and Coffee
8:00-8:10 Welcome & Opening Remarks Chancellor Kristin Sobolik (Chancellor, UMSL)
8:15-9:00 Keynote Talk: Security and Privacy in the AI-driven Cyber-physical World Ning Zhang (WashU)
9:05-9:25 How Localization Shapes Attack Patterns and Defense Strategies Dennis Pellegrini (Mastercard)
9:30-9:50 Locked up: A LockBit Ransomware Story Zach Lewis (UHSP)
9:55-10:15 The Future of Cloud Security in Government: Challenges and Opportunities Tam Nguyen (GSA)
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break and Networking  Career Expo & Posters
(Benton 102)
10:35-10:55 Career Path Delivering Cyber IT Solutions in Business-to-Business Managed Service Providers Jennifer Smith and Nick Akers (Inzo) Career Expo & Posters
11:00-11:20 Threat Hunting Hollywood Titus Daniel (Crowdstrike) Career Expo & Posters
11:25-11:45 Zero Trust: The Cornerstone of Next-Gen Cybersecurity Rehman Khan (Netskope) Career Expo & Posters
11:50-12:30 Alumni and Student Panel Discussion Tony Born, Yvonne Dickinson, Courtney Smith, Chris Suhre, Jarad Perry Career Expo & Posters
12:30-12:45 Closing Remarks and Poster Awards Career Expo & Posters
12:45-2:00 Lunch and Networking

Career Expo & Posters