
Student Success Tutoring

Is your homework starting to pile up?

Our Social Work Student Success Tutor is available on Zoom & in person this semester!


Lab Hours

Day Hours
Tuesday 1 pm - 6pm
Thursday 1 pm - 6pm

The Zoom link will be staffed by our tutor  during the above hours only

When meeting in person for tutoring:

  1. Please bring your laptop and be prepared to email your paper and assignment instructions to the tutor.
  2. Social distancing will be practiced.
  3. Face masks are required.
  4. If there are other students waiting, tutoring time will be limited to 15 minutes.
  1. a copy of the assignment given to you by your instructor
  2. a copy of the grading rubric if available
  3. a draft of your work

For questions, please contact  Tchule Moore at tsm253@mail.umsl.edu.