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UMSL Smoke Free

Effective January 1, 2012, the University of Missouri-St. Louis became tobacco-free on all campus property, both indoors and outdoors. The term “tobacco-free” means that the smoking or other use of any tobacco or tobacco-type product, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, e-cigarettes and pipes is prohibited. Campus property includes all owned or leased buildings, parking garages and parking lots; owned or leased vehicles; and owned or leased outdoor grounds and sidewalks. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors and consultant employees, performers, visitors and the general public.

*This policy was last updated on 11/10/2015.

Need help quitting? Visit Health Services Smoking Cessation page for more information.


Respect & Responsibility

The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and nonsmokers for its success. All members of the university community share the responsibility of adhering to the non-smoking policy. They should also bring it to the attention of visitors. Any complaints should be brought to the attention of the appropriate university authorities. If conflicts or problems should arise, environmental health and safety considerations shall prevail.


The policy does not apply to individuals in privately owned or privately leased vehicles with the windows and sunroofs or similar devices in the fully closed position.

Another exception to the policy applies to individuals participating in academic research on tobacco-related topics or other such accommodations approved by the Campus Institutional Review Board, provided that the activity is conducted in an appropriately ventilated area.

The Chancellor may approve other exceptions to the policy after considering the intent of the policy as balanced against specific facts and circumstances set forth in a written request from a senior level administrator.