Tuition Assistance for Employees
Regular Employees, administrative, service and support staff and Fully Benefit Eligible Academic employees retired from the University of Missouri are eligible for the Tuition Assistance Credit.
Tuition Credit
The Tuition Assistance Credit waives 75% of up to 6 cr hrs of the UGRD, GRAD or PROF Tuition Fee (up to 3 cr hrs in summer) and 75% of all supplemental and course fee, and/or 100% of the Tuition Fee for audited courses. The Tuition Assistance credit will not exceed the cost of your Tuition and most expensive course fee, when applied alone or in combination with specific awards that only pay Tuition, such as the Tuition Settlement Scholarship.
Application Instructions
Complete an application for admission and get accepted to the classes you want to take.
Complete the Educational Assistance and Tuition Reduction Form, available in the HR Request Portal (you will need to log in with your University ID and password).
You have to submit a new form for each student enrolling–and you have to complete the form each and every semester that you want assistance.
You must request assistance by the following deadlines, depending on the semester or session for which you’re requesting assistance. You can’t get assistance after the semester/session ends.
Fall semester- October 1
Spring semester- March 1
Summer semester- July 1
Follow the instructions on the form itself for submitting it and getting approval.
Tuition Reduction for Spouse/Dependant
Employees must be currently employed in a Fully Benefit Eligible Academic Appointment or as a Regular administrative, service and support employee and must have one year of continuous full-time service with the university, at some point, immediately prior to the deadline for registration. The employee must remain a University of Missouri employee through the beginning of the course in which the spouse/dependent is enrolled. If the employee separates from the University, the spouse/dependent may complete the semester in which enrolled.
An eligible spouse is the legal spouse of an employee, excluding a divorced spouse or a spouse separated from the employee by contract or decree. Employees eligible for the Educational Assistance Program are excluded from this program.
Child or children who meet the criteria required under the definitions of "Child or Children" and "Dependent" based on the terms and conditions of the University of Missouri Medical Benefits Plan with the exception that foster children shall not be eligible under this program. Employees eligible for the Educational Assistance Program are excluded from this program.
An eligible Sponsored Adult Dependent who meets the criteria required under the definitions of "Sponsored Adult Dependent" based on the terms and conditions of the University of Missouri Medical Benefits Plan. Employees eligible for the Educational Assistance Program are excluded from this program.
Tuition Credit
For Undergraduates, the Tuition Reduction credit waives 50% of the Tuition Fee, up to 140 total credit hours.
For Graduates, the Tuition Reduction credit waives an amount equal to 50% of the lowest Graduate Tuition rate, up to 140 total credit hours.
The reduction will not exceed 50% of the Tuition Fee.
Please refer to UM System Educational Assistance and Tuition Reduction page for more information.
Application Instructions
If you are seeking tuition assistance for a spouse/dependent for the first time, please be aware that proof of relationship will be required. Visit the forms and guides list for educational/tuition assistance to access the proof of relationship requirements for children, spouses, and Sponsored Adult Dependents, as well as the Sponsored Adult Dependent form should you need it. Or contact your Campus Benefits Representative or the HR Service Center to find out if proof of relationship is already on file with the Office of Human Resources.
The Tuition Reduction credit is adjusted accordingly for students who add, drop or withdraw from classes. At the end of the add/drop period, student hours for the term are added to the accumulated hours that make up their 140 hour total.
Hours for classes dropped or withdrawn after the add/drop period will not be removed from a students accumulated hours; however, students may keep the Tuition Reduction credit for these hours. Students should contact the Cashier's Office is they are not receiving Tuition Reduction credit for class hours dropped or withdrawn after the add/drop period.