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How can I see if an invoice has been paid?

To view payments and credits that have been applied to an invoice, from your main menu in PeopleSoft, go to Accounts Receivable/Customer Accounts/Item Information/View Update Item Details. You will be prompted to enter your Business Unit and invoice number. From the Item Activity tab, you will be able to view any payments or credits that have been applied to your invoice.

What do I do if I receive notice that one of my customers has filed bankruptcy?

If you receive notice that one of your customers has filed bankruptcy, print out any open invoices that the customer may have on their account and mail all documents to Faith Lucas at 204 Woods Hall. If further action is required from you, you will be contacted.

How do I request that a wire be claimed for one of my invoices?

If a wire payment that belongs to one of your invoices has not been claimed for your invoice, contact  Faith Lucas in Accounting Services. Please provide the amount of the wire, amount of the invoice (if different from the amount of the wire), date wire payment was received and the invoice number.

I received a check for payment of one of our invoices. What do I need to do to make sure the check is properly applied?

If you have access to create an ARR, please create an ARR Cash Deposit and bring to the Cashier’s Office. If you do not have ARR access, please bring the check to the Cashier’s Office and we will process the payment.

How can I view a customer's history in PeopleSoft?

To view a customer's history in PeopleSoft, from your main menu, go to Accounts Receivable/Customer Accounts/Item Information/Item List. Put in your customer number. To view closed items, change the status drop down menu to read "All" or "Closed".

I billed the wrong customer. What do I need to do to correct this?

If the wrong customer was billed, you will need to credit the customer that was billed and rebill the correct customer. You can consult the End User training manual for detailed instructions on how to issue a credit.

One of my customers returned some merchandise for which they have already paid. What do I need to do to adjust their account?

From your main PeopleSoft menu, go to Billing/Maintain Bills/Adjust Selected Bill Lines. You will be prompted to enter your Business Unit and invoice number. Under line option, select "Credit Line" and check the box next to the invoice line that is to be credited. You can do this even if the bill has been paid.

How do I print an invoice?

From MIS Web Apps, go into PS Search Options. Enter your invoice number. Your invoice should appear in a new window. An invoice cannot be printed from MIS Web Apps the day it is entered.

How do I print a Pro Forma?

From your PeopleSoft main menu, go to Billing/Generate Invoices/Non-Consolidated/Print Pro Forma. Remember that you can only print a Pro Forma the day an invoice is entered in PeopleSoft. An actual invoice will be mailed to your customer the next business day ( Note: A run control will have to be set up the first time you print a Pro Forma. Consult the End User manual for detailed instructions on how to create your run control).

Where can I find the Customer Create Form and where do I send it when completed?

The UM Customer Request Form can be found in Outlook 2010 by going to New Items>More Items>Choose Form. Email the completed form to

Who can use customers whose numbers begin with "8899"?

Only the Grants office can use customers that begin with "8899". Please do not use these numbers.

What is our federal tax id number?

Our federal tax id number is 43-6003859.

Where do I obtain a copy of our W9 form if a customer requests a copy?

You can request a copy of our W9 form by calling Tanjela Brooks at (314) 516-5361 or emailing