ACP/High School Payment

This payment page is for Advanced Credit Program (ACP High School Students)

You will need: Student's ID number (ex. 12170459) and the student's date of birth

If you are a standard UMSL college student, please Make Your Payment via TouchNet.

The Advanced Credit Program fee is about one-fifth of the cost for regular undergraduate courses on campus. A three-credit course with the Advanced Credit Program estimates just over $200, while a three-credit hour course would regularly cost approximately over $1,000 for an undergraduate student to take on campus. Keep in mind that most (but not all) ACP courses are three-credit hours. Check the Tuition and Fees page for exact pricing details.

Pay with an eCheck (NO Service Fee)

Preferred Payment Method

  • Fastest and safest method
  • Saves postage and time
  • Instant receipt


Pay with Credit/Debit via Guest Payer Site

(3% Service Fee for Domestic Transactions and 4.25% Service Fee for International Transactions – Minimum $3.00 Fee)



Pay by Check, Money Order or Cashier’s Check

Mail your check, money order, or cashier’s check to:

UMSL Student Financial Services Office
327 Millennium Student Center
1 University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121

The Billing Process

An initial billing statement will be both mailed to the student and emailed to the parent after the registration process. Subsequent monthly billing statements will also be issued. All fees are due and payable as directed on the student's monthly billing statement. A minimum payment option is available and will appear on each bill. 

Finance Charges

Students can avoid finance charges by paying the amount in full. If a student chooses to make a partial or minimum payment, a finance charge will be assessed on the remaining unpaid balance at the rate of 1% per month. 

Late Fees

If the minimum payment, or a partial payment equaling more than the minimum, is not paid on or before the scheduled due date, a $25 late fee will be charged to the account.

Student Scholarships

Each school partnered with the ACP will receive scholarships for current ACP students. The schools will determine which of their students receive scholarships based on financial need and academic performance. Students should discuss scholarships with their teachers and guidance counselors. These scholarships are used towards the tuition for ACP courses.