Billing Information

Each UMSL student has a student account - a cumulative record of charges from UMSL and credits (such as scholarships, loans and payments). We bill you by posting a monthly student account billing statement on TouchNet around the 17th of any month in which there's a new charge or credit on your account. UMSL will send you and your authorized user (if any) a billing notification email reminder to check your statement and pay any balance due. The email address will be used for students and the email address on file will be used for authorized users.

View or Pay a Billing Statement

Students can view and pay billing statements by logging into TouchNet with their SSO ID and password.

Authorized Payers can view and pay billing statements by using the Authorized Payer Login and logging in with their email address and password. Students can add an Authorized Payer in myView.

Non-Authorized (Guest) payers can pay billing statements by using the Guest Payer Login. Login to PayPath with the students eight digit student ID#, Date of Birth, Last name, and Term of intended payment. Non-Authorized payers can pay by Credit Card only. A service fee of 3% of the amount charged will apply to all credit card payments with a $3.00 minimum service fee. Guest payers do not have access to view online bills.

Billing Schedules

Every month, an email is sent to the ( email address notifying students that a bill has been generated and is ready for viewing. Any authorized payers that the student has set up will also receive a notification email.

A monthly finance charge of 1% of the Adjusted Amount due will be assessed to your student account if you choose to make monthly payments. If the minimum payment is not received by the payment due date, a $25 late payment fee will apply.

Any student registering on or after the first day of the semester will be charged a nonrefundable late registration fee of $250.00

Billing Transactions

Your billing statement reflects account transactions up to the billing date. Transactions made to your account after the billing date will be reflected on your next billing statement.

Spring Jan 10 25% due
Feb 10 33% due
Mar 10 50% due
Apr 10 100% due
Summer May 10 33% due
Jun 10 50% due
Jul 10 100% due
Fall Aug 10 25% due
Sep 10 33% due
Oct 10 50% due
Nov 10 100% due

Billing Questions

We bill the student - but if you're an undergraduate, we recommend that you set up one or both of your parents as authorized users (UMSL does not send out paper bills to currently enrolled students). Parents will not get any direct billing information unless you set them up to be an authorized user.

Bills are due on the tenth day of each month. See the billing schedule.

The Student Financial Services office offers several payment options, including a minimum monthly payment. The minimum payment can be found at the top of the monthly billing statement or by checking the percentage due as shown on the billing schedules. All payments made to the Student Financial Services Office are final.

If a student chooses to make the minimum payment or a partial payment, a finance charge of 1% of the Adjusted Amount Due will be assessed. The monthly 1% finance charge can be avoided by paying the balance in full. 


A $25 late payment fee will be charged to student accounts which have been billed and not made the minimum payment by the due date.


Students will not be allowed to register for future terms until their account balance is paid to $1000 or less and their account is in good financial standing.

Good Financial Standing refers to a student's ability to manage their financial responsibilities in a way that ensures they can meet all tuition and living expenses in a timely manner, in alignment with University policy and due dates. This includes staying current with payments and maintaining eligibility for financial aid or scholarships. A student not in good financial standing will be restricted from charging purchases at the bookstore except required text book and from registering for upcoming semesters.


Student accounts must be paid in full before a student will be permitted to register for upcoming semesters, receive transcripts or receive a diploma. All fees, fines, bookstore charges, etc. must be paid by the last day of the term. After the semester ends, unpaid accounts will be turned over to an outside collection agency. Collection agency fees of 25% of the unpaid account balance will be added to the students account. You will receive notification from one of these agencies, and have access to make payments and check your balance online from the agency web site.


The CBE Group, Inc. 
PO Box 126
Waterloo, IA 50704 
(800) 451-2409

Williams & Fudge, Inc.

300 Chatham Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29731
(800) 849-9791

CCB Credit Services

5300 South Sixth Street
PO Box 272
Springfield, IL 62075
(800) 473-7994

Recovery Management Services

4200 Cantera Dr Ste 211
Warrenville, IL 60555
(800) 932-2851