Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral Internship and Practicums

CASGSL has proudly hosted students at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level to help support and mentor our next generation of child trauma professionals. Our talented students have the opportunity to work and learn with multidisciplinary staff across our clinical, forensic/advocacy, administrative, and training teams. CASGSL is the foremost provider of trauma-focused services for children in the St. Louis metropolitan region and prides itself on providing cutting-edge treatments and child sensitive forensic interviews for traumatized children. Clinical trainees receive supervision in evidence-based treatments including Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Trainees may also participate in group-based treatment models for children with sexual behavior problems, trauma-informed parenting groups, and school-based groups for children who have experienced trauma and/or are exposed to chronic stress.  

While many of our students are seeking direct service work, we do also have opportunities for those looking for macro-level internships and practicums. All students are invited to participate in our professional development series and trainings, and our masters and doctoral students participate in a weekly didactic program to help support their work at CASGSL and their implementation of Trauma-Focused, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

therapist playing with blocks with a child

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students have opportunities for internships to help meet their hours requirement for their Child Advocacy Studies degrees or for other special projects. UMSL students can also complete: 

PSYC 3390 Research Assistant
PSYC 3390 Intake Specialist

For more information please contact our CAST Coordinator Sara Kemp: mk2kd@umsl.edu 

Master’s level Students

Master’s level students in Counseling, Social work, and Criminal Justice are eligible to complete their foundation and concentration placements at CASGSL, with the option to specialize in forensic/advocacy work or clinical work. Trainees receive supervision, learn Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, deliver individual and group modalities, and attend the weekly didactic training series. Group-based treatment models include treatment for children with sexual behavior problems, trauma-informed parenting groups, and school-based groups for children who have experienced trauma and/or are exposed to chronic stress.

Selected clinical trainees will be expected to participate in these general requirements in addition to the specific duties outlined for each position below:

  • Structured Didactic Training in child trauma-focused services on Thursdays from 9:00AM-10:00 AM. Please reserve Thursday mornings from 8:30AM-12:00 PM for Didactics and Group Treatment Team meetings.
  • Individual Supervision (one hour/week)
  • Students in the Clinical Trainee (concentration-level) role must be available at least two evenings per week until 8:00PM, which would allow them to see individual clinical clients.
  • Both students in the Clinical Trainee role as well as the Group Therapy (foundation-level) role must be available to co-facilitate at least two groups during the following times: 
    • Evenings (5:00 PM-8:00 PM) on Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday 
    • Mornings (9:00 AM-12:00 PM) on Tuesday and/or Wednesday

Note: Please be prepared to provide your availability during Interview Day or provide this information in your Cover Letter.

For more information please contact Charlotte Hechler, MSW, LCSW: charlotte.hechler@umsl.edu 

Doctoral Level Students

Doctoral students enrolled in the UMSL Clinical Psychology PhD program may apply for a one year clerkship position at CASGSL. The clerkship experience includes, training in trauma-focused assessment, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and participation in various groups delivered at CASGSL. 

Pre-Doctoral Internship program

CASGSL is also part of the St. Louis Internship Consortium and is an adjunct rotation for doctoral students completing their pre-doctoral internship. Interns spend one day a week at CASGSL, receive supervision for their therapy clients, and participate in the weekly didactic series. They also receive training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy during the internship year. 

For more information about either doctoral level program, please contact Dr. Matt Kliethermes: kliethermesm@umsl.edu