The University of Missouri-St. Louis offers a bachelors degree in applied psychology of child advocacy studies, an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate in child advocacy studies and 15-hour minor in child advocacy studies. These programs include CAST courses designed and taught by current CASGSL staff and faculty, elective options from six different departments, an internship, and associated seminar. All CAST courses are in line with national standards. UMSL is one of the first universities to incorporate these standards into its curriculum.

In an academic year, CAST typically enrolls over 200 students from a range of disciplines (e.g., psychology, social work, criminal justice, sociology, education, nursing, public policy, biology, business, liberal studies, communication). Please contact with any questions or for additional information.

How to Earn the Child Advocacy Studies Certificate

  1. Meet with an academic advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office so that they can declare the certificate for you
  2. Download and complete the enrollment form and send the completed form to
  3. Direct any questions you may have about which classes to take to the Stadler Psychological Sciences Advising Office
  4. Direct any questions about CAST 3295 to
  5. Direct any requests for exceptions to
  6. Complete the coursework
  7. Indicate that you want to receive the Child Advocacy Studies Certificate when you apply for graduation