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In responding to a call for nominations for officers and representative to the Staff Council, we ask your consideration of those you seek to nominate for these positions.

Over the past several years the Staff Association has begun to play a larger role in the overall governance and planning strategies of this campus. Council members participate not only in Staff Council monthly meetings but currently serve on a number of campus committees, Senate (now referred to as University Assembly) subcommittees, and are involved in the interviewing process for many administrative positions on campus.

With wider staff involvement in campus governance, each of us is obligated to give careful attention to the process of nominating individuals capable and willing to carry out these heightened responsibilities. In nominating someone for a Council position, you should consider a candidate on the basis of his/her commitment to the vision of the campus and their ability to commit the amount of time necessary to serve actively. We encourage you to participate in this process and look forward to your ideas and particularly your support of those who will be elected to assure that the progress made by past representatives will be continued in the future.

Following is a brief run-down of the time commitment for officers of the Staff Council:

The CHAIR presides at the monthly Council meetings, serves on the Chancellor's Cabinet (meets monthly), the Budget and Planning Committee, the Artwork Review Committee, the Chancellor's Cultural Diversity Council, the Campus Safety Steering Committee, the University Assembly, and on the Intercampus Staff Council. This position is often called upon to serve on search committees, campus committees, and to make recommendations regarding staff representation.

The VICE CHAIR serves in the absence of the President at the monthly Council meetings and serves on the Intercampus Staff Council. As part of the Council Executive Committee this individual works closely with the Chair and is often asked to serve on campus committees and other special projects.

The SECRETARY/TREASURER is responsible for the minutes of the monthly Council meetings, monthly agendas, and the financial records of the Association. As a part of the Council Executive Committee this individual works closely with the Chair and Vice Chair and is often asked to serve on campus committees and other special projects.

The STAFF REPRESENTATIVES are required to attend the monthly Council meetings, to attend meetings of the committee(s) they are elected to serve, and are sometimes asked to distribute information, conduct surveys,and assist in special projects.

The REPRESENTATIVES ON THE UNIVERSITY ASSEMBLY AND UNIVERSITY ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES are required to attend the monthly Council meetings and the meetings of their respective University Assembly Committee. A list of those committees and duties of each committee can be found on the University Assembly Senate and Assembly Committees website.