Box 1
1. Adams, Bennie A: Education
2. Alderson, Michael J: Finance
3. "": Finance
4. Alpert, Frank: Marketing
5. Ameiss, Albert: Accounting
6. Amies, Marian: Art and Art History
7. Andalafte, Edward Ziegler: Mathematics
8. Anderson, John J: Accounting
9. Anderson, Kenneth C: Art
10. Archibald, Robert R: History
11. Arshadi, Nasser: Finance
12. "": Finance
13. Artibise, Alan: Public Policy Research Center
14. Attala, Janice M: Nursing
15. Bachman, William Gary: Optometry
16. Bagley, Donna M: Early Childhood Education
17. Balbes, Raymond: Mathematics
18. Baldini, Deborah Kristine S: Spanish - Foreign Language
19. Baltz, Howard B: Management Science & Information Systems
20. Barnett, Dr. Marguerite R: Chancellor (1986-1990)
21. Barnett, Dr. Marguerite R: Chancellor (1986-1990) - Marguerite Ross Barnett Fund
22. Barton, Lawrence: Chemistry
23. Bash, Harry H: Sociology
24. Bassi, Carl Joseph: Optometry
25. Baumer, Eric P: Criminology
26. Baxendale, Mariette P: Biology
27. Baybeck, Brady: Political Science
28. Beckwith, Lynn, Jr.: Urban Education
29. Bennett, Edward S: Optometry
30. Bennett, Edward: Optometry
31. Berkowitz, Marvin: Character Education
32. Berlo, Janet Catherine: Art
33. Biggs, Anna J: Nursing
34. Bird, Allan William: Business (Professor of Japanese Studies)
35. Bird, David A: Management Science & Information Systems
36. Black, Andrew G: Philosophy
37. Blake, John G: Biology
38. Bliss, Robert M: History
39. Bliss, Robert M: History (Dean, Pierre Laclede Honors College)
40. Boggs, Sarah: Sociology
41. Bohan, Ruth L: Art
42. Boswell, John: Psychology
43. Bourne, Godfrey R: Biology
44. Breaugh, James A: Management and Psychology
45. Brown, Ian: Chemistry
46. Brown, Kathleen Sullivan: Education
47. Brown, Larry: Optometry
48. Brown, Leslie: History
49. Brownell, Susan E: Anthropology
50. Burkholder, Mark Alan: History
51. Burns, Barbara F: English
52. Burns, Gary: Speech Communication
53. Bursik, Robert J, Jr.: Criminology
54. Burger, Gary K: Psychology
55. Bush-Wilson, Margaret: James T. Bush, Sr. Center
56. Cai, Haiyan: Statistics
57. Campbell, James F: Management
58. Camigliano, Albert James: German - Foreign Language
59. Carenas, Francisco: Spanish - Foreign Language
60. Carkeet, David: English
61. Carroll, Joseph C: English
62. Cason, Nancy: English (Gateway Writing Project)
63. Castles, Mary: Nursing
64. Chaitin, Julia: Center for International Studies
65. Champagne, Roland A: French - Foreign Language
66. Chapman, Ella Rena: English
67. Cheng, Ta Pei: Physics
68. Chew, Lindell P: Marketing
69. Chickos, James: Chemistry
70. Christensen, Jerry Lee: Optometry, Dean
71. Christian, Maxine Zoe (Stokes): Behavioral Studies
72. Clark, Bruce A: Physical Education
73. Clarke-Ekong, Sheilah F: Anthropology
74. Cochran, Judith: Education
75. Cohen, Margaret Weis: Behavioral Studies
76. Connett, William C: Mathematics
77. Conway, David Alton: Philosophy
78. Cook, Richard M: English
79. Cook, Sylvia: English
80. Coonrod, Curtis: Director of Admissions
81. Cooper, Jerry M: History
82. Corey, Joyce Yagla: Chemistry
83. Cosmopoulos, Michael B: (Greek Studies), Center for International Studies
84. Costello, Edward: Philosophy
85. Coulson, Elaine: Center for Economic Education
86. Cox, John: Accounting
87. Crane, John B: Optometry
88. Cristiani, Therese S: Behavioral Studies
89. Csapó-Sweet, Rita: Communication
90. Curry, Glen David: Criminology and Criminal Justice
Box 2
1. Darby, William P: Dean, UMSL/Washington University Joint Engineering
2. Davidson, David Wallace: Associate Dean, Optometry
3. Davis, Larry J: Optometry
4. Davis, Lawrence H: Philosophy
5. Decker, Scott: Criminology and Criminal Justice
6. Declue, Rochelle Yvette: Assistant Director of Admissions
7. Dempsey, Robert: Management
8. DePaulo, Peter: Marketing and Psychology
9. Derey, Albert: Biology
10. Dibooglu, Sel: Economics
11. Dilla, William N: Accounting
12. Dinan, Barbara "Ann": Social Work
13. Dossett, Dennis: Management
14. Dossett, Dennis: Management
15. Dotzel, Ronald M: Mathematics
16. Dowden, Priscilla A: History
17. Doyle, James: Philosophy
18. Dsouza, Valerian T: Chemistry
19. Duncan, Miranda C: Public Policy Research Center
20. Durand, Douglas E: Dean, Business Administration
21. Ebest, Sally Barr: English
22. Edwards, Virginia: Assistant to Chancellor for Cultural Affairs
23. Egan, Donald: Optometry
24. Ehrlich, Walter: History
25. Elliot, Michael: Marketing
26. Ellis, Peggy: Nursing, Clinical
27. Emerson, Carolyn: Center for Academic Development
28. Esbensen, Finn-Aage: Criminology and Criminal Justice
29. Etzkorn, K Peter: Sociology
30. "": Sociology (Director of Research & Associate Dean of the Graduate School)
31. "": Sociology
32. Eveloff, Vivian L: Director, Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life
33. Even, Yael: Art
34. Eyssell, Thomas S: Finance
35. Farmer, Timothy A: Accounting
36. Fausz, J Frederick: History, (Dean, Pierre Laclede Honors College)
37. Fay, James D: Communication
38. Fazzaro, Charles J: Educational Studies
39. Fazzone, Patricia Anne: Nursing
40. Feigenbaum, Susan Kay: Economics
41. Feldman, Bernard Joseph: Physics (Associate Dean, UMSL/WU Joint Engineering Program)
42. Ferguson, Philip Mark: Education
43. Foster, Billy R: Dean, College of Education
44. Finney, Paul Corby: History
45. Flax, Norman: Social Work
46. Flinn, Jane: English and Educational Studies
47. Flores, Richardo A: Physics
48. Flowers, Barbara J: Assistant Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education
49. Franzel, Gerald A: Optometry, (Assistant Dean, Continuing Education and Outreach)
50. Franzen, William Lee: Behavioral Studies (Dean, School of Education)
51. Fraundorf, Philip B: Physics
52. Freed, Patricia E: Nursing
53. Friedlander, Richard J: Mathematics and Education
54. Friedman, Harvey Paul: Biology
55. Friedman, Lawrence David: Biology
56. Fung, Hung Gay: Business (Professor of Chinese Studies)
57. Fuss, Peter: Philosophy
58. Gaffney, Harry J: Psychology (Associate Dean, Evening College)
59. Ganz, David R: Accounting, Associate Dean of Business, Director of Undergrad Academic Advising, and Dean of Student Affairs
60. Garin, David: Chemistry
61. Garzia, Ralph Philip: Dean, Optometry
62. Garzon, Dawn: Nursing and Health Studies
63. Gasen, Kay: Public Policy Research Center (Director, Community and Neighborhood Development)
64. George, Rickey L: Behavioral Studies (Dean, School of Education)
65. Gerteis, Louis Saxton: History
66. Giljum, Joseph Peter: Accounting
67. Gilley, Joan E: Education
68. Gillingham, John Rowley, III: History
69. Glassberg, Andrew Durst: Political Science (Director, MPPA)
70. Glassman, Joel Norman: Political Science (Director, Center for International Studies)
71. Gleason, Nancy L: English
72. Goessl, Ingeborg M: German - Foreign Language
73. Golik, Wojciech: Mathematics and Computer Science
74. Gontier, Fernande: French - Foreign Language
75. Gordon, Robert M: Philosophy
76. Grace, G. Gary: Vice-Chancellor Student Affairs
77. Graham, Barbara Luck: Political Science
78. Grady, Francis W: English
79. Granger, Charles Ralph: Biology and Education
80. "": Newsclippings
81. "": Press Releases
82. "": Miscellaneous
83. "": Miscellaneous
Box 3
1. Greene, Clinton A: Economics
2. Greer, Donald Ray: Behavioral Studies (Director, Instructional Technology Center)
3. Griesedieck, David: Philosophy
4. Grobman, Arnold B: Chancellor Emeritus
5. Grondalski, Steven J: Optometry, Clinical
6. Gros, Jean-Germain: Political Science
7. Guess, Teresa: Sociology
8. Hamilton, M. Colleen: Anthropology (Archaeology Survey)
9. Hamlin, William Carl: English
10. Hancock, D'Anne: Finance
11. Handel, Peter Herwig: Physics
12. Hardin, Sally Brosz: Nursing
13. Harl, Joseph L: Anthropology (Archaeological Survey)
14. Harris, Alexander Donald: Optometry, Clinical
15. Harris, Harold Hart: Chemistry
16. Harris, Michael M: Management
17. Harris, Robert N: Psychology (Clinical)
18. Harris, Wesley R: Chemistry
19. Hashimi, Joan Kay: Social Work
20. Hart, Mary L: Art (Visiting Assistant Professor)
21. Hause, Steven Charles: History
22. Haywood, Kathleen Marie: Physical Education (Associate Dean, Education and Coordinator, Graduate Studies)
23. Henschke, John A: Educational Studies (Continuing Education Specialist)
24. Henson, Bob Londes: Physics
25. Heldman, Marilyn E: Art
26. Herman, Sally: Music
27. Hickman, Clark Joseph: Behavioral Studies (Director, Continuing Education) 28. Hoagland, Carl W: Education
29. Hoff, Geremie Hope: Spanish - Foreign Language
30. Hoffman, Frances: Sociology (Director, Institute for Women's and Gender Studies)
31. Hoffman, Paul: German - Foreign Language
32. Holmes, Patricia Ann Harvey: Communication
33. Holtzapple, Vicki R: Anthropology
34. House, Gary D: Behavioral Studies
35. Howe, Edmund S: Psychology
36. Hoyman, Michele M: Political Science
37. Hsieh, Winston Wen-Sung: History
38. Hunt, James Howell: Biology
39. Hurley, Andrew: History
40. Hurwicz, Margo Lea: Anthropology
41. Hylton, John B: Music
42. Hynes, Geraldine: Finance
43. Ireland, Thomas R: Economics
44. Iyob, Ruth: Political Science
45. Jakubowski, Patricia: Behavioral Studies
46. Janson, Carol: Art
47. Janson, Marius A: Management Science and Information Systems
48. Jenkins, Bridgette: Counseling Psychologist (Counseling Services)
49. Jenkins, Ruth: Nursing
50. Jenson, Scott A: Communication
51. John, Delores M: Behavioral Studies (Associate Dean, Continuing Education)
52. Johnson, Julius H, Jr.: Management and International Business
53. Jones, E. Terrence: Political Science (Dean, College of Arts and Sciences)
54. "": News clippings
55. "": Correspondence, Press releases' and vita
56. Jones, Jerome: St Louis Public Schools, Superintendent
57. Jordan, Thomas E: Behavioral Studies (Dean, Graduate School and Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs)
58. Joshi, Kailash: Management Science and Information Systems
59. Judd, Dennis R: Political Science
60. Jung, Donald J: Communication
61. Kachur, Barbara A: English
62. Kagan, Sioma: Finance (International Business)
63. Kellogg, Elizabeth Anne: Biology
64. Kendig, Susan M: Nursing (Clinical)
65. Kerr, Melinda: Physical Education
66. Kettler, Deborah: Director, Career Services/Placement
67. "": News clippings and Press releases
68. Kick, Linda: English
69. Kiel, Deborah W: Nursing
70. Kim, Sung Soo (Simon): Behavioral Studies
71. Kimball, David C: Political Science
72. Kimball, Leslie: Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis
73. Kinney, Nancy Theresa: Political Science
74. Kizer, Elizabeth J: Communication (Speech)
75. Klar, Dana W: Social Work
76. Klein, William D: English
77. Klinger, David A: Criminology and Criminal Justice
Box 4
1. Kochheiser, Thomas H: Art (Director, Gallery 210)
2. Kohfeld, Carol Weitzel: Political Science (Director, Public Policy Administration)
3. Korr, Charles P: History (Director, Center for Humanities)
4. Kosnik, Lea-Rachel D: Economics
5. Kottemann, Karl: Associate Director, Graduate Studies (School of Business Administration)
6. Kowalcky, Linda K: Political Science
7. Krasnoff, Alan: Psychology
8. Kridel, Donald J: Economics
9. Krueger, James M: Accounting (Vice Chancellor, Managerial & Technological Services)
10. Kristinsson, Sigurdur: Philosophy
11. Kuehl, Charles R: Management
12. Kummer, Donald: Finance
13. Kyle, William: Education (E. Desmond Lee Family Professor of Science Education)
14. Lacity, Mary C: Management Science and Information Systems
15. Lambing, Peggy Ann: Management
16. Lankford, E. Louis: Art (Des Lee Foundation Endowed Professorship in Art Education)
17. Larkin, Marie: Art
18. Larsen, David Walter: Chemistry
19. Larson, Charles H: English
20. Larson, Deborah: English (Assisting Dean of Advising, College of Arts and Science)
21. Laslo, Dave: Public Policy Research Center (Director of MIDAS)
22. Lauritsen, Janet Lynn: Criminology
23. Lawrence, Edward C: Finance
24. Lee, Phyllis C: Coordinator of Student Health Center
25. Lee, Roberta Kari: Nursing (Hubert C. Moog Endowed Nursing Professor)
26. Lehmkuhle, Stephen W: Optometry
27. LeLoup, Lance T: Political Science (Director, Public Policy Research Centers)
28. "": Public Policy Research Centers, Internal Audit '95/'96
29. Leopold, Daniel J: Physics
30. Leopold, Mary Muldoon: Physics
31. Lewis-Harris, Jacquelyn A: Anthropology (Director, CHOCD)
32. Leventhal, Jacob J: Physics (Curators' Professor of Physics)
33. Levin, Sharon Gale: Economics
34. Liles, Bruce: English
35. Link, William R: Accounting
36. Linville, Judith A: English
37. Lisenby, Donald Dennis: Psychology
38. Loiselle, Bette A: Biology
39. Long, William: Optometry
40. Loshin, David: Dean, Optometry
41. Loughrey, Thomas James: Behavioral Studies (Physical Education)
42. Ma, Debin: Economics
43. Macan, Therese Hoff: Psychology
44. Mack, Raymond A: Education
45. Mackuen, Michael B: Political Science
46. MacLean, Lowe Stannard (Sandy): Behavioral Studies (Vice-Chancellor, Student Affairs)
47. Macrae, Amy F: Biology
48. Madeo, Laurence: Management Science and Information Systems
49. Madeo, Silvia A: Accounting
50. "": Curriculum Vitae
51. Madsen, Mark L: Music (Coordinator of Voice and Opera Studies)
52. Mahan, David J: Education (Superintendent in Residence)
53. Majors, Tivoli J: English
54. Maltby, William Saunders: History (Executive Director, Center for Reformation Research)
55. Mann, Judith W: Art (Museum Assistant Professor - Assistant Curator at SLAM)
56. Marquis, Robert J: Biology
57. Marshall, Bryan W: Political Science
58. Martin, Shirley: Nursing (Dean Emeritus)
59. Martin, Terence S: English
60. Martinich, Joseph: Operations Management/Management Science
61. Marwit, Samuel Joel: Psychology
62. Matzke, Rex: Music (Jazz/Saxophone)
63. McAlister, William H: Optometry
64. McBride, Timothy Dominic: Economics, Public Policy and Gerontology
65. McCall, George John: Sociology
66. McClung, Alan C: Music (Director of Choral Ensembles)
67. McClusky, John Evans: Director, Non-profit Management and Leadership Program
68. "": Political Science
69. McCorkle, Sarapage: Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education
70. "": Economics
71. McDaniel, Wayne Lee: Mathematics (Number Theory)
72. McGinnis, Jon D: Philosophy
73. McKenna, Joseph: Economics (Director, Center for Economic Education)
74. McMillion, Clark A: Communication
75. McPhail, Thomas Lawrence: Communication
76. Meade, William: Marketing
77. Mechanic, Mindy: Psychology (Center for Trauma Recovery)
78. Merritt, Carol: Optometry, Clinical (Director, East St Louis Eye Center)
79. Mertz, Donald: Center for Academic Development
80. Metz, Thaddeus: Philosophy 81. Middleton, Richard T: Political Science
82. Miller, Deborah Schwartz: Behavioral Studies
83. Miller, Jody A: Criminology
84. Miller, Kenneth E: Music
85. Mitchell, Cynthia: Nursing
86. Mitchell, Richard Hanks: History
87. Mitchell, William Earl: Economics
88. Monti, Daniel: Sociology
Box 5
1. Morgan, Bruce W: Optometry
2. Morton, Julie Anita: Art (Art Department Faculty Fellowship)
3. Mosby, Wilbert L: Center for Academic Development (Coordinator of Special Services)
4. Moss, Frank Edward: Physics (Director, Center for Neurodynamics)
5. Mueller, Rolf R: German - Foreign Language
6. Mulkey, Stephen S: Biology
7. Mulvihill, Peggy: Center for Academic Development
8. Mundy, Ray A: Director, Center for Transportation Studies
9. Munson, Ronald: Philosophy
10. Mushaben, Joyce Marie: Political Science
11. Murphy, Carole: Childhood Education
12. Murray, Michael C: Communication (Speech)
13. Murray, Robert Wallace: Chemistry
14. "": Curators' Professor of Chemistry
15. Murray, Teri A: Nursing, Clinical (Director, Undergraduate Nursing Program)
16. Myers, Raymond I: Optometry, Clinical
17. Nance, Everette Ellis: Education Administration (Dean, Evening College and Director, Midwest Community Education Development Center)
18. Navarro, Virginia L: Visiting Professor in Behavioral Studies
19. Nauss, Robert M: Management Science and Information Systems (Dean, Business Administration)
20. Nelson, Fred: Art
21. Nishith, Pallavi: Center for Trauma Recovery
22. Nixon, Joseph: Anthropology (Director, Archaeological Survey)
23. Nower, Lia M: Social Work
24. Nugent, Mark: (Director of Student Financial Aid)
25. O'Brien, James J: Chemistry
26. Ó hAllmhuráin, Gearóid: Music (Jefferson Smurfit Corporation Professor of Irish Studies)
27. O'Rourke, Timothy: Political Science/Education (Teresa M. Fischer Professor in Citizenship Education)
28. Ortega, Jeanne: Public Policy Research Center
29. Osborne, Patrick L: Biology (Executive Director, International Center for Tropical Ecology)
30. Ott, Leonard: Music (Acting Associate Dean, College of Arts and Science)
31. Pacelle, Richard L, Jr.: Political Science (Legal Studies Coordinator)
32. Paese, Paul W: Psychology
33. Page, Richard Frank: Accounting
34. Pahlman, Maureen: Coordinator, Exhibits and Collections
35. Parker, Don N: Music (Percussion)
36. Parker, Patricia G: Ecology
37. Parks-Clifford, John: Philosophy
38. Patterson, Miles L: Psychology
39. Patton, Adell, Jr.: History
40. Patton, Richard: Public Policy Research Center - Center for Metropolitan Studies
41. "": Public Policy Research Center, update
42. Patton, Thomas E: Art (Director, Gallery 210)
43. Peck, Carol K: Optometry
44. Phares, Donald: Economics and Public Policy (Vice Chancellor for Budgeting, Planning and Research - Director, Center for Metropolitan Studies - Dean, College of Arts and Science)
45. "": Written papers and articles
46. "": News Releases and news articles
47. "": News clippings
48. Phares, Kathleen: Economics
49. Phillips, Margaret B: Criminology and Latin/Greek - Foreign Language
50. Pierce, Katherine: Gerontology (Elementary and Early Childhood Education)
51. Pierce, Lois H: Social Work
52. Pope, Mark L: Behavioral Studies (Education)
53. Preston, C. Thomas, Jr.: Communication (Speech)
54. Primm, James Neil: History (Curator's Professor of History)
55. Print, Murray: Theresa Fisher Professor for Citizenship Education
56. Ramos, Alicia: Spanish - Foreign Language
57. Ratcliff, Gail D: Mathematics
58. Rath, Nigam P: Chemistry
59. Rawling, John P: Philosophy
60. Ray, Gerda W: History
61. Ray, Robert: Music
62. Reagan, Sally B: English
63. Renner, Susanne S: Biology
64. Resetarits, William, Jr.: Biology
65. Resh, Richard Warren: History
66. Resick, Patricia A: Psychology
67. Rhine, Willard R: Behavioral Studies
Box 6
1. Richards, James E, Jr.: Music
2. Richardson, Lloyd Irwin, Jr.: Elementary & Early Childhood Education (Director, Center for Excellence in Urban Education)
3. Richardson, William L: Music
4. Ricklefs, Robert E: Biology (Curator's Professor)
5. Riehl, James: Chemistry
6. Robbert, Louise B: History
7. "": UMSL News releases
8. Robertson, David B: Political Science
9. Rochester, J. Martin: Political Science
10. Rodenborn, Leo V: Elementary Childhood Education
11. Rodgers, Cyrus Eugene: Elementary & Early Childhood Education
12. Roeseler, Robert R: Director, University Police
13. Rogers, William H: Economics
14. Ronen, David: Management Science and Information Systems
15. Rose, David C: Economics
16. Rose, Suzanna: Psychology/Women's Studies
17. "": Anti-Gay Violence Research
18. Rosenfeld, Richard: Criminology and Criminal Justice
19. Rosenthal, Patricia A: Social Work
20. Ross, Stephanie Andrea: Philosophy
21. Rota, C. David: English
22. Roth, Paul Andrew: Philosophy
23. Rounds, Jay: Des Lee Foundation Endowed Professors of Museum & Community History Studies
24. Rowan, Steven William: History/International Studies
25. "": News and press releases
26. Rushing, William Jackson: Art and Art History
27. Sargent, Lyman Tower: Political Science
28. "": News and press releases
29. Sauter, Vicki L: Management Science and Information Systems
30. Savan, Sidney A: Communication
31. Schlereth, Laurence G: Vice Chancellor Administrative Services
32. Schmitz, Charles D: Dean, College of Education
33. Schneider, Paul A: Mathematics
34. Schnieders, Helena (Lori) Lorraine MacCallum: Division of Counseling
35. Schnell, Thomas R, II: Elementary & Early Childhood Education
36. Schuchardt, Robert: Accounting
37. Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo: St Louis Mercantile Library Endowed Professor of Transportation Studies and the West
38. Schwartz, Alan Lee: Mathematics
39. Schwartz, Howard Elgin: English
40. "": News clippings and articles
41. Schwartz, Richard Dean: Astronomy
42. Scribner, Susan: Associate Director, Children's Advocacy Services
43. Searcy, Cynthia Lynne: Elementary & Early Childhood Education
44. Segal, Uma A: Social Work
45. Seibert, Daniel: Optometry (Director, Optometric Center)
46. Selesnick, Stephen: Mathematics
47. Sesma, Michael A: Optometry
48. Shaffer, Arthur Harvey: History
49. Shaprio, Henry L: Philosophy
50. Sherman, Helene J: Elementary & Early Childhood Education
51. Sherraden, Margaret S: Social Work
52. Shields, Donald Craig: Communication (Speech)
53. Shriro, Dora: Public Policy Research Center
54. Shymansky, James: E. Desmond Lee and Family Fund Professor of Science Education II
55. Siciliani, Jen: Psychology
56. Silva, Eduardo: Political Science
57. Simmons, Patricia: William R. Orthwein, Jr. Endowed Professor in Life-Long Learning for the Sciences
58. Sippel, Jeffrey L: Art & Art History
59. Smeltzer, Dennis K: Educational Studies
60. Smith, Arthur E: Behavioral Studies (Associate Dean, School of Education)
61. Smith, Charles: Athletics (Director)
62. Smith, Herman W: Sociology
63. Smith, Laurence Douglas: Management Science & Information Systems
64. "": Articles and News clippings
65. "": Director, Center for Business & Industrial Studies
66. Smith, Robert Ralph: Optometry
67. Smith, Wendell Lee: Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs; Dean, Continuing Education & Outreach; Director, Telecommunications
68. Somers, Patricia: Education (Coordinator, Higher Education Program)
69. Sorrell, Wildred H: Astronomy
70. Sorensen, Robert Lanford: Economics
71. Spaner, Steven David: Behavioral Studies
72. Sparks, Marvin R, Jr.: Music
73. Spikes, Janice: Nursing
74. Spilling, Christopher D: Chemistry
75. Sporleder, Bevery J: Social Work
76. Springer, John Frederick: Political Science
77. Stake, Jayne E: Psychology
78. Starling, Jane Ann: Biology
79. Stary, Sonja: French - Foreign Language
80. Steffen, Ann: Psychology
81. Stein, Lana: Political Science
82. Stevens, Peter F: Biology
83. Stine, Keith J: Chemistry
84. Strader, Marlene K: Nursing
85. Subramanian, Ashok: Management Information Systems
86. Suhre, Terry L: Art & Art History (Director, Gallery 210)
87. Suiter, Mary C: Associate Director, Center for Entrepreneurship & Economic Education
88. Sullivan, Eleanor: Hubert C. Moog Endowed Nursing Professor
89. Sweet, Nanora L: English (Director, Institute for Women's & Gender Studies)
Box 7
1. Tang-Martinez, Zuleyma: Biology
2. Taylor, George Townsend: Psychology
3. Thiel, Teresa: Biology (Director, Biotechnology program)
4. Thomas, Kenneth P: Political Science
5. Thompson, Vetta L Sanders: Psychology
6. Thumin, Frederick: Management Behavior
7. Tierney, James Edward: English
8. Torres, Hernon: Anthropology (Visiting Professor)
9. Touliatos, Diane H: Music (Director, Center for the Humanities)
10. Tranel, Mark: Director, Public Policy Research Center
11. Travers, Paul D: Dean, School of Education
12. Trojcak, Doris Ann: Elementary Education (Associate Dean, School of Education)
13. "": News Clippings
14. "": News Releases
15. "": Photographs
16. "": Miscellaneous
17. Troy, Mary: English
18. Tubbs, Mark E: Psychology
19. Tucker, Jean S: Art (Fellow, Center for Metropolitan Studies)
20. Turner, Howard: Education
21. Turpin, Douglas L: Music
22. Tushaus, James: Statistics and Quantitative Management Science
23. Usui, Chikako: Sociology
24. Vails, Janice L: Center for Academic Development, Coordinator - African American Scholars Retention Program
25. Vandenberg, Brian Richard: Psychology
26. Van Uum, Elizabeth: Assistant to the Chancellor for Public Affairs
27. Van Voorden, Barbara: English
28. Vawter, Linda L: Social Work
29. Voegtli, Ottilia Nebl: Business Administration
30. Wagner, Allen E: Criminology
31. Walker, James: Psychology
32. Wallace, Gaylen: Education
33. Wallace, Steven: Sociology
34. Walsh, Huber: Elementary Education
35. Walter, James E: Educational Studies
36. Walter, Susana: Spanish - Foreign Language
37. Ware, Melva L: Elementary & Early Childhood Education (Center for Excellence in Urban Education)
38. Wartick, Martha: Accounting
39. Wartick, Steve: Management
40. Wartis, Charles: English
41. Wartzok, Douglas: Biology (Dean, Graduate School)
42. Weaver, Jeffrey Lance: Optometry
43. Weaver, Terri L: Psychology (Center for Trauma Recovery)
44. Weber, Carol: Biology
45. Weinstock, Henry Robert: Educational Studies
46. Welland, Grant Vincent: Mathematics (Analysis)
47. Welling, Marian: Optometry
48. Wente, Patricia: General Manager, KWMU Radio
49. Werner, Herbert Dennis: Economics
50. Wesley, Doris: Reference Specialist (Thomas Jefferson Library)
51. Westoff, Laura M: History
52. Wherry, Jeffrey N: Director, Kathy J. Weinman Children's Advocacy Centre
53. White, W. Glenn: Behavioral Studies
54. Whitener, Joy E: Dean, Evening College (Education)
55. Wiland, Eric: Philosophy
56. Wilde, John W: Education
57. Wilkens, Lon A: Biology
58. Wilke, Frederick: Mathematics (Finite Projective Planes)
59. Wilkie, Victoria Gale: Art
60. Wilking, Bruce A: Astronomy
61. Wilking, Janet B: Chemistry
62. Williams, Lorna V: Spanish - Foreign Language
63. Williamson, Jane Louise: English
64. Willman, Fred: Music and Educational Studies
65. Wingert, Timothy A: Optometry
66. Winter, Rudolph Ernst K: Chemistry
67. Winter, Wayne W: Finance - Business & Environment
68. Wolfe, Peter: English
69. "": News clippings and news releases
70. Wolford, John Breton: Anthropology (Museum Assistant Professor)
71. Woods, Harriet: James T. Bush, Sr. Center
72. Works, John Arthur, Jr.: History
73. Worley, Kenneth R: Art
74. Wright, Richard Thomas: Criminology
75. Wright, Roosevelt, Jr.: Social Work
76. Xu, Zhi: Chemistry
77. Yard, George J: Behavioral Studies
78. Young, David A: Dean, College of Arts & Sciences (Biology)
79. Young, Edith Mae: Educational Studies (Interim Associate Dean for Instruction)
80. Younger, Dan: Art
81. Yuan, Juliana Yuan: Art
82. Zarucchi, Jeanne Morgan: French - Foreign Languages
83. Zeni, Jane Elizabeth: English
84. Zerbolio, Dominic Joseph, Jr.: Psychology