SL: 12/9/4
UMSL Staff Association files, 1991-2008
Box 1
- ASP/PeopleSoft concerns, 1999
- Auction, March 10, 2000
- Auction, December 2000
- Auction, March 2001
- Bi-State passes, 2000
- Brochures
- By-Laws
- Committees—Career Ladder/Path
- Committees—Legislative Concerns, 1992-1993, 1999
- Committees—Membership, 1992-1993, 1997
- Committees—Nominations and Elections, 1992-1993, 1997
- Committees—Social, 1999
- Committees—Program,1999
- Cookie Exchange, 1999
- Correspondence, 1999-2000
- Correspondence, 1996-1997
- Correspondence, 1992-1993
- Crazy Bowl, 2000
- Educational Assisstance Survey, 1995
- Expenses of SA, 2000
- Financial Records, 2005-2006
- Fiscal Report, 1999
- Focus on the Future, 1996
- Focus on the Future, 1997
- Focus on the Future, 1998
- Focus on the Future, 1999
- Focus on the Future, 1999
- Focus on the Future, 2000
- Focus on the Future, 2001
- Fundraising Letters, 2000
- Fundraising Entertainment Books, 2000
- Fundraising Entertainment Books, 2001
- Fundraising, 2000-2001
- Fundraising, 1999-2000
- Fundraising Letters, 2000
- Fundraising, 2004-2005
- General Meeting, 1995-1999
- Goals/Objectives, 1999-2000
- Holiday Bazaar, 2004
- Invitations, 1993-1994
- Intercampus Staff Council
- Medical Plan (proposed), 1993
- Miscellaneous, 1993-2000
Box 2
- Meeting Minutes, 1992-1993
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1992-1993
- SA Elections, 1992-1993
- SA Elections, 1993-1994
- SA Elections, 1994-1995
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1994-1995
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1995-1996
- SA Elections, 1995-1996
- SA Elections, 1996-1997
- Staff Association Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1996-1997
- Staff Council Self Evaluation, 1996-1997
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1996-1997
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1996-1997
- Meeting Minutes, Agendas, self evaluations, 1996-1997
- Meeting Minutes, Agendas, 1997-1998
- SA Elections, 1997-1998
- SA Elections, 1998-1999
- Meeting Minutes, Memos, 1998-1999
- Meeting Minutes, 1999-2000
- Meeting Minutes, 2000-2001
- Meeting Minutes, Agendas, 2004-2005
- Newsletters—The Pilot, 1992-1993
- Newsletters—The Link, 1996-2000
- Newsletters—The Link, 2003-2008
- Newsletters—UM Staff Advisor, 1998-2000
Box 3
- Parking, 1999
- Past Presidents Meeting, 1993
- Professional Development Fund
- Rumor Hotline
- Raffles, 2000-2001
- Raffles, 2000
- Recipes from SA
- Scholarship—John Perry Scholarship, 2000-2001
- Scholarship—John Perry Scholarship, 2005-2006
- Senate/Staff Association Proposal, 1990-1991, 1998
- Service Awards/Staff Appreciation Events, 1993-1994
- Student Government, 1997
- Survey, SA. 1995
- Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day, 1999
- Teleconference, 4 Campuses, 1993-1995
- Thirtieth Anniversary Planning, 1993-1994
- Trivia Night, 2000
- Trivia Night, 2001
- Trivia Night, 2003
- Trivia Night, 2004
- University Assembly, 2000-2001
- UM System Staff Councils, 1993
- Welfare and Grievance Committee, 1992-1993
- Work Hours, 2000
RC Location