
Common Searches

English Department Syllabi

SL:  2/9/3

College of Arts and Sciences

English Department, Syllabi, 1999-2009


Box 1

  1. English 10-11, Freshman Composition, 1999-2006
  2. English 12, Literary Types, 1998, 2002         English 13, (see folder 7)
  3. English 17, American Lit Masterpieces, 1999-2002
  4. English 20, Classical Mythology, 1999, 2000, 2002
  5. English 21, Fundamentals of Acting, 1999
  6. English 71, Native American Literature, (Drucilla Wall, instructor) no date
  7. English 13, Topics in Literature, 1999-2005
  8. English 103 & 2030 Poetry Writing, no dates, 2000, 2005
  9. English 104 & 2040, 1999, Short Story Writing, 1999 and more with no dates
  10. English 105, Play Writing, 1999
  11. English 122, Traditional Grammar, 2000-2001
  12. English 125 & 2280, Old Testament Lit, 1999, 2005
  13. English 131, English Literature I, 2000-2003
  14. English 132, English Literature II, 1999-2005
  15. English 133 & 2330, Intro to Poetry, 2001, 2004
  16. English 135, Intro to Fiction, 1999
  17. English 171, American Literature I, 1999-2005
  18. English 172, American Literature II, 1999-2000, more with no dates
  19. English 209, Practical Criticism, 1999-2001, more with no dates
  20. English 210, Advanced Expository Writing, 1999-2005
  21. English 211, 2000
  22. English 212 & 3112, Business Writing, 2000-2006
  23. English 213 & 3130, Technical Writing, 2000-2006
  24. English 214/3140/3214, News Writing, 1999-2001, 2005/06
  25. English 215/3150, Feature Writing, , 2001-2002, 2006
  26. English 216/3160, Writing in the Sciences, 2003, one with no date
  27. English 228, Public Relations Writing, 2001 and no date
  28. English 262, Curriculum and Methods, 1999-2001
  29. English 270, Student Teaching Seminar, 1999 and 2 with no dates
  30. English 290, Student Teaching, no dates
  31. English 303, Advanced Expository Writing , n.d. (Howard Schwartz instructor)
  32. English 304, Advanced Fiction Writing, n.d. (Mary Troy)
  33. English 305, Writing for Teachers, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
  34. English 307, Linguistics, 1999
  35. English 308, English Grammar, 1999 and n.d.
  36. English 309, History of English Language, 2000 and n.d.
  37. English 4888,  English/Secondary Education, Student Teaching Seminar, 2005
  38. English 323, Continental Fiction, 1999, 2002
  39. English 325, Medieval English Lit., n.d. (Grady)
  40. English 327, Contemporary Critical Theory, 2001, 2005
  41. English 332, 16C Poetry and Prose, 2001-2002
  42. English 337, Shakespeare, Tragedies and Romances, 1999
  43. English 338, Shakespeare, Comedies and History, 2001
  44. English 345, Milton, 1999, 2001
  45. English 369, Later Romantic Poetry and Prose, 2000, 2003
  46. English 372 and 4560, 372-British Fiction of Later 19C, 1999-2002; 4560-Victorian Poetry and Prose, 2005
  47. English 374, Selected Major American Writers, 2002, 2004
  48. English 375, American Fiction to WWI, 2001
  49. English 376, Modern American Fiction, 1999, 2001
  50. English 380, Studies in Women and Literature, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005
  51. English 383, Modern British Fiction, 2000, 2006
  52. English 385, Modern Drama, 2001, 2002
  53. English 395, Topics in Literature, 2006 (Wall on Ireland), n.d. (Schwartz on Dylan)
  54. English 396, Topics in Writing, 2002, 2005
  55. English 400, Intro to Graduate Studies, 1999, n.d., 2005
  56. English 410, Modern Linguistics, n.d. (Majors instructor)
  57. English 450, Restoration Comedy, 1999
  58. English 457, Graduate Workshop in Nonfiction, 2004
  59. English 459, Literary Journal Editing, n.d (Schwartz), 2001-2004
  60. English 465, Studies in Fiction, Female Gothic Novel, 2002
  61. English, 470, 19C Novel, 2001, 2005
  62. English 476, 20C American Lit, 1999, 2001, n.d.
  63. English 480, Commonwealth Fiction, 1999
  64. English 489 Teaching College Writing, 2002, 2005
  65. English 492, Graduate Workshop in Poetry Writing, 1999, 2005
  66. English 493, Graduate Workshop in Fiction, 2005, n.d.
  67. English 495, Special Topics Seminar, 1999-2005
  68. English 5250, Studies in Middle English Literature:  Chaucer and Gower
  69. English 4930, Women Heroes and Romantic Tales, 2004
  70. English 5550, 19C Literature—Frankenstein and Shelley, 2005
  71. English 2810, Traditional Grammar, 2005
  72. English 5840, Theories of Writing
  73. Syllabi, Summer 2006
  74. Syllabi, Fall, 2006
  75. Syllabi, Spring, 2007
  76. Syllabi, Fall, 2007
  77. Syllabi, Summer, 2007


Box 2

  1. Syllabi, 2008
  2. Syllabi, 2008
  3. Syllabi, 2008
  4. Syllabi, 2008
  5. Syllabi, 2009
  6. Syllabi, 2009


Box #        RC Location #

1                137684

2                137685