Box 1
1. Shadow Ball, 1991
2. Shadow Ball, 1993
3. Gypsy Caravan, 1995
4. Gypsy Caravan, 1996
5. Chancellor's Report to Community, 2002
6. Founders Dinner, 2002
6a. Chancellor's Search Committee, 2003
7. Chancellor's Report to Community, 2003
8. Founders Dinner, 2003
9. Chancellor's Inauguration, 3/11/04
10. UMB Artist Deck, 6/17/04
11. UMSL Night at BB's, 7/12/04
12. New Administrators Reception, 8/8/04
13. Assistant Secretary of State Visit, 10/1/04
14. UMSL vs. SLU, 11/5/04
15. Boeing Alumni Event, 2/22/05
16. Alumni, Ft. Meyers, Naples, 1/05
17. Edward Jones, Alumni Event, 4/6/05
18. RBG Alumni Event, 5/11/05
19. Friends Board Social, 8/18/05
20. Alumni Association, Past Presidents Event, 11/21/05
21. Legislative Event, 1/29/06
22. Our Sinatra Alumni Event, 4/9/06
23. Washington, MO Alumni, 5/24/06
24. BSW Alumni Event, 2006
25. Alumni Association Faculty Colloquium, 8/06
26. DC Reception, 9/12/06
27. UMSL Day at the Ballpark, 9/15/06
Chancellor's Council Files, 2002-2005
Box 2
1. UR annual report, 1994-1995
2. UR Five Year Review, 1996
3. UR annual reports, 2002
4. UR annual reports, 2003
5. UR annual reports, 2004
6. Marketing Progress, 2003-2004
7. Deferred Giving Materials, 1997
8. Telecommunity Center into, n.d.
9. Neighborhood Information Exchange at St. Louis 2004
10. Vice Chancellor Dixie Kohn Correspondence, Nov-Dec., 2001
11. Vice Chancellor Dixie Kohn Correspondence, Jan-April, 2002
12. Vice Chancellor Dixie Kohn Correspondence, May-July, 2002
13. Vice Chancellor Dixie Kohn Correspondence, August-October, 2002
14. Wendell Smith Correspondence, Jan-Apr. 2002
15. Wendell Smith Correspondence, May-Sept., 2002
Box # -----------RC Location #