Series I: Red & Gold Golf Tournament (1992-1995)
Box 1
1. Acknowledgements
2. Budget
3. Contributions
4. Expenses/Invoices
5. Gifts/Prizes
6. Hole Sponsors
7. Participants
8. Printing
9. Publicity
10. Underwriting
11. Auction/Contest
12. Budget
13. Friend's Solicitations
14. Gifts & Prizes
15. Hole Sponsors
16. Participation
17. Printing
18. Publicity
19. Registration
20. Underwriting
21. Gifts & Prizes
22. Hole Sponsors
23. Insurance
24. Participation
25. Participation Thank-You's
26. Printing
27. Registration Forms
28. Underwriting
29. Friends
Series II: Other Events
30. Baseball Game: Alumni Association ScholarshipBenefit, 1996
31. Blue Chip Roster
32. Communication/Arts Complex
33. Communication/Arts Complex
34. Fine Arts Complex
35. Honors College, 1995
36. Logan College of Chiropractic, June 28, 1996
37. Miscellaneous Events--Finished, 1996
38. National Council of Jewish Women, 1995
39. Priemiere Performances, 1996
40. Presentation Materials, 1992-1993
41. Suburban Journals, 1992-1994
42. Symphony AD
43. Telecommunity Center
44. Video Mailing
45. Weinman Children's Advocacy Center--Groundbreaking
46. West County Computer Center Meeting, 6/12/96
47. Women & Gender Studies, 1995
Box # RC Location #
1 106974
University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121