1. African American History Month, 1987
2. " " " " " " 1989
3. City Alderman's Bill
4. Committee Reports, 1988
5. Conference, 1988 (1of2)
6. " " " " (2of2)
7. Constitutional Status of Afro Americans into the 21st Century
8. Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1988
9. Correspondence, 11-12/87
10. " " " 1/88
11. " " " 2/88
12. " " " 3/88
13. " " " 4/88
14. " " " 5/88
15. " " " 6/88
16. " " " 7/88
17. " " " 8/88
18. " " " 9/88
19. " " " 10/88
20. " " " 11/88
21. " " " 12/88
22. " " " 1/89
23. Correspondence, Off Campus, 1-7/88
1. Correspondence, Off Campus, 8-12/88
2. " " " " " " 1987-88
3. Fair Housing Participants
4. Fiscal year, 1988-89 (1of3)
5. " " " " (2of3)
6. " " " " (3of3)
7. Foreign Policy Conference for Leaders of National Minority and Women's Organizations, 8/1/89
8. "From Access to Achievement" Invitational Conference
9. Housing
10. Invitations
11. K-Mart/UMSL Employment Planning Workshop, 1989
12. ML King Day Observance, 1988
13. " " " " " Newspapers/Pamphlets
14. ML King Jr. Federal Holiday Commission
15. Minorities in Higher Education, 1988
16. Miscellaneous, 1989
17. "Musical Expressions of the African-American Experience"
18. NAFEO Conference, 1989
19. National Afro-American Heritage Museum
20. National Congress of Black Faculty
21. Posters
22. Seay, Norman: Letters from, 1988
23. " " " Memos from, 1987-88
24. Vouchers (completed)
25. Weekly Minder, 1988
26. " " " 1989
University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121