1. Academic Administration Internship Program, 1976
2. Academic Council, 1978-79
3. Academic Plan, 1975-85
4. Academic Review Committee, 1977-78
5. " " " " " " "
6. Access Committee, 1979
7. ACE: Internship Program, 1975-76
8. Administrative Structure, 1975
9. Adult Education Council of Greater St. Louis, 1977-78
10. " " " " " " " " " 1978-79
11. Affirmative Action, 1975-76
12. " " " " 1976-77
13. " " " " 1977-78
14. " " " " 1978-79
15. Affirmative Action Project for Employing the Handicapped, 1977
16. Alumni Activities, 1978-79
17. " " " " " "
18. 15th Anniversary Observance, 1978-79
19. Annual Performance Review, 1979
20. Annual Reports, 1975-76
21. Annual Reports, 1976-77
22. " " " 1977-78
23. " " " 1978-79
24. " " " " "
25. Appointments, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 1975-76
26. " " " " " " " " " 1976-77
27. " " " " " " " " " 1977-78
28. " " " " " " " " " 1978-79
29. " " " " " " " " " 1979-80
30. " " " " " " " " " " "
31. Archives and Manuscripts Advisory Committee, 1974-75
32. " " " " " " " " " 1975-76
33. Archives Correspondence, 1975-76
34. " " " " " 1976-77
35. " " " " " 1977-78
36. " " " " " 1978-79
37. Arts and Education Fund, 1976-77
38. " " " " " 1977-78
39. " " " " " 1978-79
40. College of Arts and Sciences, 1977-78
41. " " " " " " 1978-79
42. Athletics, 1976-77
43. Athletic Committee, 1975-76
44. " " " " 1976-77
45. " " " " 1977-78
46. " " " " 1978-79
1. Bach Society, 1976
2. Basic Skills Program, 1976-77
3. Budget, 1974-75
4. " " 1975-76
5. " " 1976-77
6. " " 1977-78
7. Budgetary Task Force, 1977-78
8. School of Business Administration, 1975-76
9. " " " " " " " 1976-77
10. " " " " " " " 1977-78
11. School of Business, Dean Search Committee, 1977
12. New Programs: Business Administration, 1973-74
13. " " " " " " " " 1973-74
14. Chancellor's Office, 1976-77
15. " " " " 1977-78
16. Creative Agins, 1978
17. Collective Bargaining, 1975-76
18. " " " " " 1976-77
19. " " " " " 1977-78
20. Commencement, 1976
21. Community Service Extension Committee, 1978-79
22. Concerts and Lectures, 1977-79
23. " " " " " 1978-79
24. Consulting, 1976
25. CBHE, 1975-76
26. CBHE, 1976-77
27. CBHE, 1977-78
28. CBHE: Missouri Master Plan, 1977-78
29. Coordinating Council on Higher Educaiton, 1977
30. Council on Public Higher Education for Missouri, 1977-78
31. " " " " " " " " " " " "
32. Council on Public Higher Education for Kentucky, 1976-77
33. Counseling Service, 1975-76
34. " " " " 1976-77
35. " " " " 1977-78
36. " " " " 1978-79
37. Curator Scholarship, 1975
38. Danforth Foundation, 1977
39. Deans and Directors, UMSL, 1975-76
40. Degree Programs, 1977
41. Department Chairmen
42. Administration of Justice, 1974-76
43. Art, 1974-75
44. Art, 1978-79
45. Athletics, 1977-78
46. Biology, 1976-79
47. " " 1977-78
48. " " 1978-79
49. " " 1979-80
50. Chemistry, 1976
51. Economics, 1976
52. School of Education, 1974-75
53. " " " " 1975-76
54. " " " " 1976-77
55. " " " " 1977-78
56. " " " " 1978-79
57. " " " " " "
58. " " " " " "
59. English, 1976-77
60. " " 1977-78
61. " " 1978-79
1. Fine Arts, 1976-77
2. " " 1977-78
3. History, 1976-77
4. " " 1977-78
5. " " 1978-79
6. " " 1979-80
7. Mathematics, 1973-74
8. " " " 1974-75
9. " " " 1975-76
10. Modern Foreign Language, 1976
11. Music, 1977-79
12. " " 1978-79
13. Philosophy
14. Physics, 1973
15. Physics, 1976
16. Political Science, 1974
17. " " " " 1975
18. " " " " 1976
19. " " " " 1977
20. " " " " 1978
21. " " " " 1979
22. Psychology, 1976
23. " " " 1977
24. " " " 1978
25. Sociology/Anthropology, 1975-76
26. Speech Communications, 1974-75
27. Development Office, 1975-76
28. Development Office Search, 1975-76
29. Economic Education, 1976-77
30. " " " " 1977-78
31. Executive Guideline #13
32. Extension, 1977-78
33. " " 1978-79
34. Extension: Arts and Sciences, 1975-76
35. Extension Budget, 1975-76
36. " " " " 1976-77
37. " " " " 1977-78
38. Extension Correspondence Study
39. Community Service Extension Committee
40. Commission to Study Extension, 1977-78
41. Everett Walters' Packet "Extension Study Commission Hearing," 9/29/77
42. Cooperative Extension Services, 1976-77
43. " " " " " " " 1977-78
44. Lindbergh Extension Center, 1976
45. Extension Planning Council, 1976
46. " " " " " " 1977
47. " " " " " " 1978
48. Extension-UMC, 1978-79
49. Extension-UMR, 1977
50. " " " 1978
51. " " " 1979
52. Extra Compensation, 1976-77
53. " " " " 1977-78
54. " " " " 1978-79
55. Evaluation of Administrators, 1978
56. Evaluation of Centers
57. Evaluation of Deans and Chairpersons, 1976
58. Faculty Activity Survey, 1976
59. Faculty Join Appointments
60. Financial Exigency, 1976
61. " " " " 1977
62. " " " " 1978
63. Fiscal Award Summary and Account Requests, 1978-79
64. Fee Structure Committee, 1977-78
65. " " " " " " "
66. Ford/College Roundtable Program, 1976-77
67. Ford Foundation, 1978
68. Four Day Work Week, 1977-78
69. Fund Raisin, 1976-77
70. Gallery 210, 1979
71. General Studies Behavior (BA) 1973-74
72. George, Melvin D., 1976
73. " " " " 1977
74. " " " " 1978
75. " " " " 1979
76. Gerontology, 1978
77. "Going Back to College," 1977-78
78. " " " " " " "
79. Gomberg, Paul, 1978
1. Graduate School, 1976-77
2. " " " 1977-78
3. " " " 1978-79
4. Grants, 1976
5. Harris Teachers College, 1977
6. HEW Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1975
7. Hermann, Charles F.
8. Home Economics
9. Housing Committee, 1977
10. House of Prayer, 1976-78
11. Houston, Michaele, 1976-77
12. I Musici, 1978
13. International Studies, 1976-77
14. " " " " " 1977-78
15. International Urban Research Symposium, 1978
16. JC-UM Transitional Conference, 1976-77
17. " " " " " " " "
18. Juliard String Quartet
19. KWMU Advisory Committee, 1977-78
20. KWMU Radio, 1975-76
21. " " " 1976-77
22. " " " 1977-78
23. KWMU Search Committee, 1976-77
24. KWMU Studio Set, 1977
25. " " " " 1978
26. " " " " 1979
27. Labor Education, 1978
28. Laue, James H. (Dr.), 1976
29. Library, 1976-77
30. Management by Objective, 1977-78
31. Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1975-76
32. " " " " " " " 1976-77
33. " " " " " " " 1977-78
34. Minority Recruitment, 1978
35. Missouri Advocates for the Arts, 1978
36. Missouri Committee for the Humanities, 1976
37. " " " " " " " " 1977
38. " " " " " " " " 1978
39. Moody, Sandra F., 1977
40. Naming Buildings, Committee on, 1977
41. NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1978-79
42. North Central Association, 1976-77
43. " " " " " 1977-78
44. Nursing Program, 1975
45. Off-Campus Instruction Task Force, 1976-77
46. " " " " " " " 1977-78
47. Older Missourian Program, 1976-77
48. Olsen, James
49. " " "
50. One-Time Fund Allocations, 1976-77
51. " " " " " " 1977-78
52. Open University, 1975-76
53. Penton, 1978
54. Personnel, 1976-77
55. Photography
56. Professional Development Degree
57. Programming, 1977-78
58. " " " 1978-79
59. Provosts, 1976-77
60. " " 1977-78
61. Public Information, 1977-78
1. Public Radio Conference, 1977
2. Public Relations Group, 1976
3. Public Urban Higher Education Conference, 1976
4. Radiation Safety, 1977
5. Rampal
6. Recruitment Committee, 1978
7. Regional Commerce and Growth Association
8. Research, 1976-77
9. " " 1977-78
10. St. Louis University, 1979
11. St. Louis Council on World Affairs, 1975-76
12. " " " " " " " 1976-77
13. St. Louis Labor Council, 1976
14. St. Louis Symphony, 1976-77
15. " " " " 1977-78
16. Salary Increases, 1974-75
17. Sapp, Virgil, 1975-76
18. Saupe, Joe
19. Shuttle Service, 1977
20. " " " " 1978
21. Self Study Guide, 1977
22. Sister Cities International, 1975-76
23. " " " " " " " "
24. Smith, Wendell, 1976-77
25. Space Committee, 1976-77
26. Special Equipment Funds, 1978
27. Student Activities, 1979
28. Search Committee--Dean of Student Affairs, 1979
29. Student Affairs, 1976
30. " " " " 1977
31. " " " " 1978
32. " " " " 1979
33. Student Information System, 1976-77
34. Student Recruitment, 1976
35. Tenure Regulations Review Committee, 1977
36. UMSL Conference Center, 1977
37. UMSL Downtown, 1977-78
38. UMSL Fundraising, 1978
39. UMSL's Report to the Community, 1978
40. UMSL's Urban Mission
41. University House, 1978-79
42. University of Mid-America, 1975-76
43. University of Missouri Press, 1978-79
44. UNITED Special Services, 1977-78
45. UNITED Project, 1976
46. University Relations, 1970-76
47. " " " " " "
48. " " " " " "
49. " " " " " "
50. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, 1976
51. " " " " " " " " 1977
52. " " " " " " " " 1978
53. Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, 1977-78
54. " " " " " " " " " 1978-79
55. Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs, 1977
56. Walters' VITA, 1976
57. Watermark, 1978
58. Webster College, 1976-77
59. Wilton Park 192nd Conference, 1977
60. Women's Center, 1975-76
61. " " " 1976-77
62. " " " 1977-78
63. Women's Center Director: Search Committee, 1976
University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121