1. AASCU, 1977-78
2. Accreditation
3. Administrative Council, 1974
4. AFL-CIO Annual Conference, 5/76
5. Alumni, 1976-77
6. Alumni Alliance for Legislators
7. American Optometry Association (AOA), 1977
8. AOA
9. AOA Evaluation Manuals
10. AOA Library, 1977~78
11. AOA Survey of optometric Education Institutions, 1977-78
12. Applied Psychology, 1977-78
13. Appropriations Requests, 1978-79
14. Aronson, Stanley, 1977-78
15. Arts and Sciences, College of, 1974
16. ASCO, 1977-78
17. ASCO (Association of Scholls and Colleges of Optometry)
18. Athletic Department, 1978
19. Budget
20. Business Administration, School of, 1977
21. CAD, 1977-78
22. Case Currents, 1977-78
23. CBHE, 1977-78
24. Chancellor, 1977-78
25. College and University Presidents, 1975
26. College of Optometry, Univeristy of Houston
27. Committee on Committees, 1974
28. Committees (Senate, Chancellor's, U-Wide)
29. Continuing Education-Extension
30. COPHE, 1977-78
31. Creative Aging, 1977-78
32. Curators, 1977-78
33. Doctoral Faculty
34. Draft Version of Report
35. Due Payments
36. Educational Costs in the Health Professions, 1977-78
37. Engineering
38. Expenses: School of Optometry
39. Expenses, 1974-75
40. Experts Directory, 1977-78
41. Extension, 1977
42. Eye Foundation Hospital
43. Faculty/Staff Legislative Group, 1976-77
44. " "
45. Faculty Workload/Cost Studies, 12/1/76
46. Federal Council on Aging Report, 9/1/77
47. Fifteenth Anniversary
48. Fiscal Resources and Long Range Planning, 1977-1978 49. Focus
50. Foundation Directory
51. Four Day Week
1. Gerontology Committee, 1977-78
2. Health Manpower (Missouri), 1977-78
3. HEC, 1977-78
4. Home Economics, 1977-78
5. Honorary Degrees, 1977-78
6. Houston, Michaele Wilk
7. Human Nature, 1978
8. ID 75, Crime and Punishment, FS77
9. International University at st. Louis, 1977-78
10. Institutional Research, 1976-77
11. " " " " " 1977-78
12. Interstate Contracts, 1976-77
13. Journal of Optometric Education
14. "Justice Model", AOJ, 1977-78
15. KWMU, 1977-78
16. Laue Planning Group
17. Legislation, 1974
18. Luncheon Menus
19. Manpower and Education Needs in selected professional fields: Optometry
20. McCarthy, Jake, 1977-78
21. Meeting, 7/30
22. Miscellaneous
23. Missouri Health Manpower, 1976
24. " " Analysis, 1976
25. " " Needs Analysis, Draft II 5/75
26. Missouri K.I.D.S., 1977-78
27. Missouri Optometric Association, 1977-78
28. Missouri Optometrist, 1977-78
29. NASULGC, 1977-78
30. NCA Accreditation, 1977-78
3~. New Program Proposals Format
32. Normandy Municipal Council
33. NSF, 1974
34. O'Connor, Tony
35. Office of Educational Regulations, 1976
36. Ohio Psychology
37. Optometric Social Work
38. Optometry: Interstate contracts
39. " " Other Schools
40. " " Recommendations on Marillac Property
41. " " Reviewof
42. " " Today--The Vision of the Future
43. Pearlman, Joan, 1977-78
44. Phi Kappa Phi Membership
45. Planning Committee
46. Preliminary Report of the Health Care Industry
47. Prison Arts Festival, 1977-78
48. Problems
49. Professional Psychology, School of
1. Program Development, 1977-78
2. Program Planning, 1977-78
3. Proposal for a Regional School of Optometry
4. Proposal for a College of Optometry at UMSL, 1975
5. " " " " " " " " " "
6. PsyD Programs, 1977-78
7. Public Resource Bulletins, 1976-77
8. Public Resource Group, 1976
10. Recommendations (Letters of)
11. Recruitment, 1977-78
12. Research Committee
13. Rothman, Kenneth
14. Saint Louis University
15. Senate--General Assemblies
16. Senate Memberships, 1972-78
17. Senatorial Distrfcts, UMSL
18. Space Committee
19. Speech Materials
20. Staff
21. Stowe, Harris, 1977-78
22. Telephone Directory (News Media)
23. UMSL Academic Plan
24. UMSL Self Study, 1977-78
25. Univeristy of Missouri
26. University of Missouri state Relations Materials, 1976
27. University Relations, 1977-78
28. Urban Affairs, 1977
29. Visual Care for the 70s, 2/71
30. Wainer, John: Literature and Correspondence
31. Women's Center
32. Woods, Senator Harriet
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1 31285
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222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121