1. Tom's File Index, 1989-90
2. Academic Affairs, 1989-90
3. Academic Computer Users Committee, 1989-90
4. Academic Computing Planning Committee, 1989-90
5. Administrative Council, 1989-90
6. Administrative Council Agendas, 1989-90
7. Administrative Council Agendas, 1989-90
8. Administrative Position Review, 1989-90
9. Administrative Services, 1989-90
10. Admissions, 1989-90
11. Affirmative Action, 1989-90
12. Alumni Association, 1989-90
13. American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1989- 1990
14. American Chemical Society, 1989-90
15. American Council on Education, 1989-90
16. Animal Care Facilities, 1989-90
17. Annual Report, 1989-90
18. Annual Report, 1989-90
19. Assessment, 1989-90
20. Audit--Chancellor's Office, 1989-90
21. Automated Purchasing and Upgraded Accounting Systems, 1989-90
22. Biology, 1989-90
23. Board of Curators, 1989-90
24. Bridge Program, 1989-90
25. Bridge Scholarships, 1989-90
*26. Budget, 1990-91
27. Budget, 1989-90
28. Budgeting, Planning, and Institutional Research, 1989-90
29. Bugg Lake, 1989-90
30. Bush Center, 1989-90
31. Cabinet, 1989-90
32. Cabinet Agendas, 1989-90
Box 2
1. Campus Master Plan, 1989-90
2. CASA, 1989-90
3. Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1989-90
4. Center for Science and Technology, 1989-90
5. Central States Universities, Inc., 1989-90
6. Chancellor, 1989-90
7. Chancellor's Office, Search, 1989-90
8. Chemistry Department, 1989-90
9. College of Arts and Sciences, 1989-90
10. Committees, 1989-90
11. Computer Center Building, 1989-90, (includes plans and work orders)
12. Computer Center Building Committee, 1989-90 (includes plans and work orders)
13. Computer Policy Advisory Board, 1989-90
14. Computing, 1989-90
15. Conflict of Interest Policy, 1989-90
16. Conflict of Interest Policy November 3rd Deadline
17. Confluence St. Louis, 1989-90
18. Consulting Agreement, 1989-90
19. Consulting Agreement (President's Request), 1989-90
20. Continuing Education, 1989-90
21. Cooperative Education, 1989-90
22. Coordinator of Campus Computing, 1989-90
23. Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1989-90
24. Cultural Affairs, 1989-90
25. Cultural Affairs, 1989-90
26. Cultural Affairs Budget, 1989-90
27. Cultural Affairs, Dance St. Louis, 1989-90
28. Cultural Affairs, Search for Coordinator, 1989-90
29. Department Chairs, 1989-90
30. Development, 1989-90
31. Dishonesty, Academic/Research, 1989-90
32. Drug Free Work place Policy, 1989-90
33. Education, School of, 1989-90
34. Effectiveness Indicators, 1989-90
35. Engineering Center-UMR Graduate, 1989-90
36. Engineering Program Development, 1989-90
37. Engineering Program Development, 1989-90
Box 3
1. Engineering Program Development, 1989-90
2. Engineering Program Development, 1989-90
3. Engineering, 1989-90
4. Engineering, 1987
5. Enrollment, 1989-90
6. Evening College, 1989-90
7. Faculty and Staff Benefit Planning Committee, 1989-90
8. Faculty Council, 1989-90
9. Faculty Grievances, 1989-90
10. Faculty, Rotating Intern Position, 1989-90
11. Faculty Salary, 1989-90
12. Faculty Workload Report, 1989-90
13. Five Year Plan, 1989-90
13. General Officers, 1989-90
14. Gifts, 1989-90
15. Grants and Contracts, 1989-90
16. Honorary Awards Committee, 1989-90
17. Housing, 1989-90
18. Human Resources, 1989-90
19. IBM, 1989-90
20. Jones, Tom--Personal, 1989-90
21. Kresge Foundation, 1989-90
22. Leadership/Renewal Workshop, 1989-90
23. Light Rail, 1989-90
24. Mark Twain, 1989-90
25. Master Plan, 1989-90
26. McClusky, John, 1989-90
27. McDonnell Douglas Interns, 1989-90
28. Meetings: College Faculty/A&S/Evening/Graduate/Department Chairs, 1989-90
29. Metropolitan Sewer District, 1989-90
30. Minority Affairs, 1989-90
31. Miscellaneous, 1989-90
32. Mission Statement, 1989-90
33. Missouri Advanced Technology Institute, 1989-90
34. Missouri Research Assistance Act, 1989-90
35. Missouri Research Park, 1989-90
Box 4
1. Missouri Teacher Education Scholarships, 1990-91
2. Missourians for Higher Education, 1989-90
3. Monitor/Follow Up, 1989-90
4. Monsanto, 1989-90
5. Monthly Reports
6. MURR--University of Missouri Research Reactor, 1989-90
7. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1989-90
8. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1989-90
9. National Center for Drug Analysis, 1989-90
10. National Research Council, 1989-90
11. National Science Foundation, 1989-90
12. National Science Foundation, 1989-90
13. National Science Foundation Academic Research Facilities Modernization Program, 1989-90
14. Nilges, Al (Representative), 1989-90
15. North Central Association, 1989-90
16. Nursing, School of, 1989-90
17. Office Systems, 1989-90
18. Option 1 Committee, 1989-90
19. Option 2 Committee, 1989-90
20. Option 3 Committee, 1989-90
21. Partnerships for Progress, 1989-90
22. Patent Policy Review, 1989-90
23. Patten, Larry, 1989-90
24. Pending Assignments, 1989-90
25. Physics, 1989-90
26. Pierre Laclede Honors Program, 1989-90
27. Presidents and Systems, 1989-90
28. Public Affairs, 1989-90
29. RCGA, 1989-90
30. Reallocations, 1989-90
31. Receptions, etc., 1989-90
32. Research, Office of, 1989-90
33. Research Parks and Economic Development, Director of, 1989-90
34. St. Louis Research Council, 1989-90
35. St. Louis Science Center, 1989-90
36. St. Louis Technology Center, 1989-90
Box 5
1. Sallie Mae Committee, 1989-90
2. Scholarships, 1989-90
3. Science and Technology Center
4. Science Building/Correspondence, 1989-90
5. Science Building/Contract Orders, 1989-90
6. Science Building, Dedication of, 1989-90
7. Science Building/Development Fund
8. Scientific Integrity, 1989-90Senate, 1989-90
9. Senate Committee on Budget and Planning, 1989-90
10. Simmons, John, 1989-90
11. SIUE, 1989-90
12. Smoking Policy, 1989-90
13. Space Committee, 1989-90
14. Staff Association, 1989-90
15. Student Affairs, 1989-90
16. Student Financial Aid, 1989-90
17. Student Recruitment and Retention, 1989-90
18. Surveys, 1989-90
19. Task Force to Study Issues Related to Tuition Policy, 1989-90
20. Tax Initiative Committee, 1989-90
21. Teacher Education Programs, 1989-90
22. Telecommunications, 1989-90
23. Telecommunications, Campus
24. Tinker Foundation Grant, 1989-90
25. Transition Conference, 1989-90
26. United Nations Association (Model), 1989-90
27. United Way, 1989-90
28. University Planning Council, 1989-90
29. Toward Excellence Materials (Ten Year Plan)--loose materials
30. Final Reports--Agenda For Action Committees, 1988
31. University Planning Council--loose materials
32. University Relations, 1989-90
33. University Relations Budget, 1989-90
34. University Relations, Search for Vice Chancellor, 1989-90
35. University Relations (Switchover), 1989-90
36. Weldon Spring, 1989-1990
Box 6
1. Appointment, Tenure and Promotion, 1987
2. Salary Study
3. Committee on Faculty Salaries
4. Administrative Salaries
5. Faculty Salaries, 1987-88
6. Salary Study
7. Aspiration Transparencies
8. Missouri 2000 Materials
9. UMSL-SIUE Engineering Transfer Guide & UMR/UMSL Engineering Committee
10. Lindenwood Phase III
11. Lindenwood--Phase II
12. Lindenwood College, Finances
13. PhD in Biology
14. MA in Administration of Justice
15. PhD in Physics
16. Political Science--Proposal for Eminence, 1987
17. Outcomes of Higher Education: The Customer's View, 1987
Box # RC Location #
1 04127
2 04163
3 04164
4 04223
5 04224
6 04239
University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121