
Common Searches



1. Tom's File Index, 1987-88
2. Academic Officers/Deans, 1987-88
3. Academic Year, Length of, 1987-1988
4. Accreditation, 1987-1988
5. ACT Scores, 1987-88
6. Administration of Justice, 1987-88
7. Administrative Computer Users Committee (Chancellor's), 1987-88
8. Administrative Costs, 1987-88
9. Administrative Council, 1987-88
10. Administrative Council Agendas, 1987-88
11. Administrative Council Agendas, 1987-88
12. Administrative Council Agendas, 1987-88
13. Administrative Services, 1987-88
14. Administrative Structure of UMSL, 1987-88
15. Admissions, 1987-88
16. Affirmative Action, 1987-88
17. Animal Facilities, 1987-88
18. Annual Report, 1987-88
19. Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion, 1987-88
20. Assessment, 1987-88
21. Associated Drug and Chemical Industries of Missouri, 1987-88
22. Association of American Universities, 1987-88
23. Association of University Related Research Parks, 1987-88
24. Association of Urban Universities, 1987-88
25. Audit Report, 1987-88
26. Barton, Pat (Confidential)
27. Biology, 1987-88
28. Board of Curators, 1987-88
29. Boehm, Elmer L., 1987-88
30. Bridge Program, 1987-88
31. Testimony, 2/29/88
32. Bush Center, 1987-88
33. Budget--Campus Balance, 1987-88
34. Budgeting, Planning, and Institutional Research, 1987-88
35. Budget, 1987-88
36. Budget Hearing, 11/13/87
37. Cabinet Agendas, 1987-88
38. Cabinet, 1987-88
39. Cabinet, 1987-88
40. Cabinet, 1987-88

Box 2

1. Cabinet, 1987-88
2. Cabinet, 1987-88
3. Campus Master Plan, 1987-88
4. Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1987-88
5. Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1987-88
6. Coordinating Board for Higher Education--Statewide Review of Undergraduate Education, 1987-88
7. Coordinating Board for Higher Education--Life Sciences Equipment List, 1987-88
8. Coordinating Board for Higher Education--New Program Approval Dates, 1987-88
9. Coordinating Board for Higher Education--New Program, 9/87
10. Capital Appropriation, 1987-88
11. Center for Academic Development, 1987-88
12. Center for Molecular Electronics, 1987-88
13. Central Computing Balances, 1987-88
14. Central States Universities, Inc., 1987-88
15. Chancellor, 1987-88
16. Chancellor's Account, 1987-88
17. Chancellor's Committees, 1987-88
18. Chemistry, 1987-88
19. College of Arts and Sciences, 1987-88
20. Commencement, 1987-88
21. Committee on Budget and Facilities, 1987-88
22. Computer Center Building Committee, 1987-88
23. Computer Policy Advisory Committee, 1987-88
24. Computer Science, 1987-88
25. Computer Task Force, 1987-88
26. Consulting Agreement, 1987-88
27. Continuing Education, 1987-88
28. COPHE, 1987-88
29. Council for Chemical Research, 1987-88
30. Cultural Affairs, 1987-88
31. Deficit Account, 1987-88
32. Department Chairs, 1987-88
33. Development, 1987-88
34. Development Strategies, 1987-88
35. Economic Competitiveness, 1987-88
36. Eminence Programs, 1987-88
37. Engelmann Institute
38. Engineering Program/Development, 1987-88
39. Engineering (Industrial), 1987-88
40. Enrollment, 1987-88
41. Environmental Trace Substances Research Center, 1987-88
42. Evaluations/Faculty, 1987-88
43. Evening College, 1987-88
44. Excellence in Education, 1987-88
45. Fact Book, 1987-88
46. Faculty Council, 1987-88
47. Faculty Grievances, 1987-88
48. Faculty Handbook, 1987-88
49. Fee Schedules, 1987-88

Box 3

1. Fiscal Resources and Long Range Planning Committee, 1987-88
2. Fiscal Resources and Long Range Planning Committee, 1987-88
3. Fiscal Resources and Long Range Planning Committee, 1987-88
4. Fiscal Resources and Long Range Planning Committee, 1987-88
5. Five Year Plan, 1987-88
6. Focus Groups, 1987-88
7. Functional Analysis Job Descriptions, Annual Report (U.R.), 1987
8. General Officers, 1987-88
9. Gifts, 1987-88
10. Graduate School, 1987-88
11. Grants and Contracts, 1987-88
12. GTA (Early Payment)/Educational Assistance, 1987-88
13. Harris Computer, 1987-88
14. Hazardous Substance Research Center, 1987-88
15. Higher Education Center, 1987-88
16. IDC Phone/Mail, 1987-88
17. International Studies, Center for, 1987-88
18. Instructional Technology Center
19. Japan
20. Job Training Partnership Act, 1987-88
21. Joint Army/Academic Supercomputer Center (JAASC), 1987-88
22. Journals, 1987-88
23. KETC, 1987-88
24. Labor Education Programs, 1987-88
25. Landgrant, 1987-88
26. Leadership Workshop, 1987
27. Leave of Absence, 1987-88
28. Leaves (Guidelines), 1988-89
29. Leaves, R&D Leave Committee, 1985-86
30. Legal Matters, 1987-88
31. Library, 1987-88
32. Library Building Planning Committee (Chancellor's), 1987-88
33. Low Enrollment
34. Mathematics and Science Education Center, 1987-88
35. Metropolitan Sewer District, 1987-88
36. Meetings: College Faculty/A&S/Evening/Graduate/Department Chairs, 1987-88
37. Minority Science Education Grant, 1987-88
38. Miscellaneous, 1987-88
39. Missouri Research Institute, 1987-88
*40. Missouri Research Park, 1987-88
41. Missouri Research Park, 1987-88
42. Missouri Research Park Technology and Agriculture Center, 1988
43. Missouri Society of Professional Engineering Subcommittee, 1987-88
44. Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, 1987-88
45. MSD


1. Monsanto, 1987-88
2. Monthly Reports, 1987-88
3. MRAA, 1987-88
4. MURR, 1987-88
5. NAIRA, 1987-88
6. NASULGC, 1987-88
7. National Science Foundation, 1987-88
8. North Central Association, 1987-88
9. Nursing, 1987-88
10. Office of Computing and Telecommunications, 1987-88
11. Omnibus Bill, 1987-88
12. Optometry, 1987-88
13. Paid Time off and Supplemental Illness Programs, 1987-88
14. Partnerships for Progress, 1987-88
15. Physical Facilities and General Services Committee, 1987-88
16. Physical Plant, 1987-88
17. Physics/Cooperative PhD., 1987-88
18. Physics Observatory, 1987-88
19. Pierre Laclede Honors Program, 1987-88
20. Private Fund-Raising Requests, 1987-88
30. Race and Human Relations, 1987-88
31. Radiation Safety, 1987-88
32. RCGA, 1987-88
33. Reallocations, 1987-88
34. Research, 1987-88
35. St. Louis Science Center, 1987-88
36. St. Louis Technology Center, 1987-88
37. Safety and Risk Management, 1987-88
38. Salary Policy, 1987-88
39. School of Education, 1987-88
40. Scholarships, 1987-88
41. SEMATECH, 1987-88
42. Senate, 1987-88
43. St. Louis Research Council, 1987-88
44. SIUE, 1987-88
45. Space, 1987-88
46. Space, 1987-88
47. Student Activity Budgets, FY88-89
48. Student Affairs, 1987-88
49. Student Financial Aid, 1987-88
50. Student Grievances, 1987-88
51. Telecommunications, 1987-88
52. Tunisian Visitors, 1987-88
53. UMC/St. Louis Engineering Advisory Committee, 1987-88
54. United States Institute of Peace
55. University of Missouri-St. Louis Association, 1987-88
56. University Press, 1987-88
57. University Relations, 1987-88
58. Video Network Policy, 1987-88
59. Workman's Compensation Fund, 1987-88
60. Zurheide-Herrmann, Inc., 1987-88 (Neighborhood Growth Grant Progam)
61. Science Building Correspondence, 1987-1988
62. Science Building Correspondence,


Science Building Contract Orders (loose materials)

Box 6

Science Building Contract Orders (loose materials)

SL: 1/54/2

Box # RC Location

1 20010
2 20027
3 20107
4 20531
5 20898
6 21053

University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121