
Common Searches

SL: 16/2/4 Photographs from University Relations, Special Events, 1990s-2009

(not yet scanned into the Photodatabase)

Box 1

Armbruster, Dr. Charles reception, August 2008
Auguste Chouteau Society Spring event. May 6, 2001
Bachmann Book Series, 2007
Barnett, Chancellor Marguerite Ross
Basketball (Men's)--announcement of hiring Mark Bernson as head coach, 1998
Booth Event, 2/2009
Board of Curators, 5/2001
Bridge Program
Business, College of, Honor's Banquet, Fall, 2008
(Bill Clay) Center for Molecular Electronics ribbon cutting, 1997 (now Center for Nanoscience)
Center for Molecular Electronics dedication, 8-5-98
Chancellor's Medallion--Peter Raven
Chancellor's Report to the Community, 5-20-05
Chancellor's Report to the Community, 5-25-06
Commencement, May & August, 1990
Commencement, Jan & May, 1991
Commencement, May & August, 1992
Commencement, Jan., May, August, 1993
Commencement, Jan., May, August, 1994
Distinguished Speakers Series--John Bachmann, 10-13-05
Express Scripts Announcement, 9-8-05
Global Citizens Award--Lech Walesa, February, 1999 (2 folders)
Global Citizens Award--Desmond Tutu, 5-18-00
Global Citizens Award--Mary Robinson, 10-2-02
Horn, Malaika, reception, 1997
Jefferson Smurfit Award, 5-8-98
Mercantile Library Barriger rededication, 10-3-98 (2 folders)
Pierre Laclede Society kick off event, Fall 2007
Scholarships--Marian Oldham Scholarshp Committee--1995
Scholarships--Marian Oldham scholarship benefit, 5-27-00
Scholarships--Marian Oldham Scholarship II Fundraiser, 4-17-05
Scholarships--St. Louis American Salute to Excellence scholarship dinner, 1998
Scholarships--St. Louis Symphony Scholarships, 1996-1997
Scholarships--Scholarship dinner, 1996
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 1998
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 1999
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 11-20-02
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 2004
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 2006
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 2007
Scholarship Recognition Reception, 2009
Shadow Ball, 1995
Sommer, Bruce, 4/07

Box 2

State of the University/Founders Dinner Events:

State of the University, 1997-1998
Founders Dinner, 10-13-98
State of the University, 9-16-98
State of the University, 9-22-99
State of the University, 9-13-00
State of the University, 2001
State of the University/Founders Dinner, 9-17-03 & 9-25-03 (2 folders)
State of the University, 9-15-04
Founders Dinner, 9-23-04
State of the University, 0-8-05

St. Louis Media Hall of Fame event, 6-10-06
St. Louis Media Hall of Fame event, 2007
St. Louis Media Hall of Fame event, 6-7-08

Sue Shear Institute Dedication

Touhill, Chancellor--Citizen of the Year, 1997 (2 folders)
Touhill Performing Arts Center kick off thank you reception
Touhill Performing Arts Center opening, 10/03
Touhill, Chancellor--retirement, 2002

UM System President Elson Floyd introduction, 11/14/02

Whitney Harris birthday celebration, 2007
Women's Networking Series, 10/18/05

World Ecology Medal--John Denver, 9/91
World Ecology Medal--Jacques Cousteau, 1992
World Ecology Medal--Paul Ehrlich, 1993
World Ecology Medal--President José Manà Fiqueres of Costa Rica, 6/15/96
World Ecology Medal--Richard Leakey, 2/20/97
World Ecology Medal--Jane Goodall, 4/99
World Ecology Medal--Ted Turner, 2000
World Ecology Medal--Gro Harlem Bruntland, 2/27/01
World Ecology Medal--Harrison Ford, 5/19/02
World Ecology Medal--Teresa Heinz, 4-23-03
World Ecology Medal, 2008
World Ecology Medal--David Rockefeller, Jr., 4/26/04