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SL: 6/1/24


1. Academic Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor--Nancy Avakian
2. Academic Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor--Blanche Touhill
3. Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor--Arthur MacKinney/Blanche Touhill
4. Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor--Arthur MacKinney/Blanche Touhill
5. Academic Officers, July/August, 1986
6. Academic Officers, September/October, 1986
7. Academic Officers, November/December, 1986
8. Academic Officers, January/February, 1987
9. Academic Officers, March/April, 1987
10. Academic Officers, May/June, 1987
11. Administration of Justice Department
12. Administrative Services, Vice Chancellor--Mr. Perry/Tom Hussey
13. Admissions
14. Affirmative Action
15. American Educational Research Association (AFRA)
16. Annual Report, 1987
17. Anthropology Department
18. Arts and Sciences, College of
19. Assembly, Campus
20. Assessment of Educational Outcomes
21. Biology Department
22. Budget
23. Budget--Five Year Plan
24. Budget Reallocations
25. Budgeting, Planning, and Institutional Research
26. Bulletin Committee
27. Business, School of
28. Centers of Eminence
29. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--Final Report
30. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--Biology Self Study
31. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--Continuing Education Self Study
32. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--English Self Study
33. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--Evening College Self Study
34. Chancellor's Committee on Academic Review, 1985-86--Speech Self Study
35. Chancellor's Committee on Non-Academic Review, 1985-86--Administrative Services
36. Chancellor's Review Committee
37. Chancellor's Review Committee
38. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87
39. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Final Report
40. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Anthropology Self Study


41. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Computing and Telecommunications Self Study
42. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Economics Self Study
43. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--KWMU Self Study
44. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Modern Foreign Languages Self Study
45. Chancellor's Committee on Review, 1986-87--Sociology Self Study
46. Chancellor's Fellowships, 1987
47. Chancellor's Office
48. Chemistry Department
49. Computer Policy Advisory Board--Campus
50. Computer Policy Advisory Board--University-Wide
51. Computing and Telecommunications Department
52. Cooperative Programs
53. Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE)
54. Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)
55. Data Reports
56. Doctoral Council
57. Doctoral Faculty
58. Doctoral Faculty Selection Committee
59. Economics Department
60. Education, School of
61. Educational Testing Service (ETS)
62. English Department
63. Evening College
64. Extension, Continuing Education
65. Faculty Council
66. Gerontology
67. Graduate Coordinator
68. Graduate Council
69. Graduate Council
70. Graduate Council Minutes
71. Graduate Council--Admissions & Scholarship Committee


72. Graduate Council--Curriculum & Instruction Committee
73. Graduate Council--Program Development Committee
74. Graduate Council--Regulations Committee
75. Graduate Deans
76. Graduate Deans
77. Graduate Faculty
78. Graduate Faculty Minutes
79. Graduate School Fellowship
80. Graduate School Teaching Assistants
81. Graduate School Teaching Assistants--International
82. Higher Education Council (HEC)
83. History Department
85. Institutional Research Advisory Committee
86. International Studies
87. Long-Range Plan, 1986-87
88. Mathematics Department
89. Metropolitan Studies Center
90. Metropolitan Studies Center--Interim Director/Applicants
91. Mid-America State Universities Association (MASUA)
92. Midwestern Universities Alliance
93. Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS)
94. Miscellaneous
95. Missouri Graduate Deans
96. Missouri Research Park Center
97. Music Department
98. National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)
99. North Central Association (NCA) Meetings
100. North Central Association (NCA) Graduating Seniors, May 1986
101. North Central Association (NCA)


102. National Science Foundation--Teacher Preparation and Enhancement
103. Nursing, School of
104. Objectives and Goals
105. Optometry
106. Philosophy Department
107. Physics Department
108. Political Science Department
109. Political Science Department--Proposal for Eminence, April 1987
110. Psychology Department, 1986-87
111. Public Policy Administration, 1986-87
112. Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA)--Science and Engineering Committee 113. Registration Office
114. Research Administration
115. Research Administration
116. Research Directors Group
117. Science Complex Committee
118. Senate
119. Social Work Department
120. Sociology Department
121. Speech Department
122. Student Affairs--Vice Chancellor
123. St. Louis County Hospital Committee
124. St. Louis Technology Board
125. St. Louis Technology Center
126. University of Missouri Advisory Committee on International Affairs
127. University of Missouri-Columbia
128. University of Missouri-Kansas City
129. University of Missouri-Rolla
130. University of Missouri Press
131. University of Missouri--University Hall
132. University of Missouri--Vice President Jay Barton
133. University Relations
134. Weldon Spring Campus
135. Weldon Spring Endowment Review Committee
136. Weldon Spring International Scholars

SL: 6/1/24

Box # RC # Location
1 94-059 00242
2 94-060 00245
3 94-061 00249
4 94-062 00405

University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121