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SL: 1/49/1
Special Events, Office of, 1983-87

BOX 1 Series I: Commencement

1. 1/86
2. 5/86
3. 8/86
4. 1/87
5. " Assembly and Procession
6. " Bills
7. " Honorary Degree Recipients
8. " Music and Program
9. " Platform Party and Marshalls
10. " Scenario
11. " Set Up and Parking
12. " Speaker
13. 5/87: Bills
14. " Graduate Candidates
15. " Honorary Degree Recipients
16. " Music and Program
17. " Platform Party and Marshalls
18. " Set up and Parking
19. " Speaker
20. 8/87: Bills
21. " Candidates
22. " Dinner
23. " Honorary Degree Recipients
24. 8/87: Music and Program
25. " Set up and Parking

Series II: Other Events

26. Administrative Luncheon, 2/9/87
27. All Campus Reception, 12/4/85
28. Arts and Education Breakfast, 2/25/87
29. Bridge Program Reception, 6/7/87
30. Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Reading, 2/12/87
31. Campus Report, 9/24/86
32. CBHE, 1984
33. Century Club Reception, 11/7/84
34. Chancellor's Council Reception, 12/2/85
35. Chancellor's Report, 5/6/87
36. " " " " Adam's Mark Bills, 1987
37. " " " " Correspondence, 1987
38. Chancellor's Retirement Events
39. Curators' Dinner
40. " " " " 3/16/87
41. " " 3/16-17/87
42. Eldercare Center Dedication, 7/1/85
43. End of the Year Reception, 5/7/87
44. Faculty and Staff Reception
45. Charles Granger Luncheon, 6/7/85
46. Grobman Farewell Luncheon, 11/27/85
47. Honors Luncheon, 4/24/86
48. " " " " 4/23/87
49. Legislator Brunch, 4/18/86
50. Library Reception, 3/12/87
51. Kermit Moore, 10/26/86
52. John Perry Reception, 12/15/86
53. Planning and Budget Session Lunch, 3/17/87
54. Premier Performances at the Sheldon
55. Mary Roots Luncheon, 11/29/84
56. Jan Sanders Reception, 3/15/85
57. Senate Banquet, 5/1/85
58. " " " 4/29/86
59. " " " 4/28/87
60. Shadow Ball Correspondence
61. Trio D'Archi di Roma, 10/12/86


1. 20th Anniversary
2. 25th Anniversary Master Plan
3. " " " "
4. " " " " Events Committee
5. " " " " Executive Committee
6. " " " " Event Coordination Committee
7. " " " " Meeting Minutes
8. " " " " Public Relations Committee
9. " " " " Calendar Information
10. " " " " Bills
11. " " " "
12. " " " " Public Relations
13. UM Sesquicentennial
14. University Singers in Washington, 3/26/84
15. " " " " SW Tour, 1985
16. " " " " 1986 Tour
17. " " " " Kennedy Center Brunch, 3/16/86
18. " " " " Kennedy Center, 3/86
19. " " " " " " " Correspondence
20. " " " " 1987 Tour
21. University Women Holiday Card, 1985
22. " " " " " " 1986
23. John Young Reception, 2/15/85

University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121