AT-001 2nd UMSL Women's Festival (Betty Lee/Jean Berg/Judy Chicago), 3/80
AT-002 Ali, Mohammed, 12-05-75, The True Nature of Friendship, (digitized)
AT-003 Alinsky, Saul, social activist/writer, 2-09-71 (digitized)
AT-004 Bader, Robert (Dean of A & S), on how the University works, 3-17-72 (digitized)
AT-005 Barnes, Ward, (How the University was established) 01-21-72 (digitized and available as streaming audio)
AT-006 Ward Barnes Retirement, 05-04-76
AT-007 Murdoch, Iris, 04-26-72 (this tape is blank)
AT-008 Benton Hall Dedication, 06-12-66 (digitized and available as streaming audio)
AT-009 Berger, Raoul--Charles Warren Senior Fellow in American Legal History at Harvard, speaks on Impeachment and Executive Privilege, 3-13-74 (digitized)
T-010 Graduation (w/Gov. Kit Bond), 05/74 (digitized)
AT-011, disc 1--Humanities Forum, 10/11/74 "Free Blacks and Slavery", Charles Boxer, Carl Degler (digitized)
AT-011, disc 2--Humanities Forum, 10/11/74 "Feminism in America", Emily Hahn and Carl Degler (digitized)
AT-012 Judge Brady, 03-13-72 (digitized)
AT-013 Brown, John Anthony, President Lindenwood College (visiting lecturer), speaks on private colleges, 02-23-72 (digitized)
AT-014 Burgess, Anthony, 04-18-75
AT-015 Byrne, William (report of President's Commission on Kent & Jackson State Universities), 03-12-71 (digitized)
AT-016 Cagan, Leslie, social justice activist, 04-05-72 (digitized)
AT-017 Calloway, Ernest, "The Future of St. Louis,"01-31-75 (digitized)
AT-018 Chambers, Dr. John, (Pros., Danforth Foundation), 04-25-68
AT-019 Chew, Lindell (Business School), 04-14-72 (digitized)
AT-020 Chisholm, Shirley, 10-13-76 (Moral Issues in Politics) digitized
AT-021 Christo (Javacheff), 03-29-74 (digitized)
AT-022 Clark, Ramsey (former US Attorney General), 10-17-73 (digitized)
AT-023 Cohen, Dr. Bernard (Chair, Senate Executive Committee), 03-17-72 (digitized)
AT-024 Coleman, A. D. (photography), 02-14-75
AT-025 Primm, James Neal (St. Louis History)
AT-026 Danforth, John (Missouri Attorney General), On Law and Law Enforcement, 03-02-72
AT-027 Dudman, Richard (journalist), 09-21-73 (digitized)
AT-028 Dustin, Richard, 04-10-72, (on how to effect change in the university) digitized
AT-029 Farenthold, Frances (Sissy) (feminist/political figure), 04-11-73 (digitized)
AT-030 Fields, Bill (journalist), On Blacks and Women in the Media, 03-04-74 (digitized)
AT-031 Giovanni, Nikki, (Black Culture Week speaker), 05-02-73 (digitized)
AT-032 Goode, Wayne (legislator), 02-07-72 (digitized)
AT-033 Senator Charles Goodell, "The Price of Dissent," 04-30-71 (digitized)
AT-034 Grant, Will, 04-12-72 (digitized)
AT-035 " " 12-07-71 (digitized)
AT-036 Gregory, Dick 02-21-72, 2 discs, (digitized)
AT-037 Gromyko, Anatoly 03-26-71 (Soviet Role in United Nations) digitized
AT-038 Haley, Alex 11-29-72 (digitized)
AT-039 Hook, Sidney, 03-05-71 (The Future of the University) digitized
AT-040 Hooks, Benjamin, Executive Director NAACP, 09-28-79 (digitized)
AT-041 Johnson, Nicholas (former FCC Commissioner), "How to Talk Back to your Television Set", 02-13-74, (digitized)
AT-042 Kennedy, Flo (black woman activist), 04-08-77 (digitized)
AT-043 Kyd, Sterling, 02/72, (Education and Politics) digitized
AT-044 Lentz, Theodore, 3-30-76 (digitized)
AT-045 Luscomb, Florence, women's rights activist, 03-08-76 (digitized)
AT-046 Maltby, William (History Dept.)
AT-047 Mann-Borgese, Elisabeth, On Women's Rights, 11-03-75 (digitized)
AT-048 Mead, Margaret, anthropologist, speaks on marriage and families, 11-21-77 (digitized)
AT-049 Preisler, Paul (American Federation of Teachers), 12-06-67, digitized, (poor audio quality)
AT-050 Pulliam, A., on minority students in the University system, 03-24-72 (digitized)
AT-051 Reed, Evelyn, "Women's Evolution and Human Nature", 10-24-75 (digitized)
AT-052 Reischauer, Edwin, 03-19-71 (The Role of Japan Today), digitized
AT-053 Resh, Richard (History Dept.), "Sources of Cohesion in the Black Family: A Critique of the Moynihan Report,"
05-01-72 5 (digitized)
AT-054 "The Causes of Poverty", 11-14-73 (digitized)
AT-055 Salisbury, Harrison, NY Times correspondent, speaks on foreign affairs, 10-27-72 (digitized)
AT-056 Sapp, Virgil, Dean of Extension, speaks on the development of campus and the Extension Division, 01-28-72 (digitized)
AT-057 Schorr, Daniel, 04-18-73, speaks on Watergate and the importance of the free press (digitized)
AT-058 Sheehan, Neil, "The Press in a Free Society",10-10-73 (digitized)
AT-059 Spainhower, James, "State Politics & Higher Education",
02/72 (digitized)
AT-060 Stimpson, Catherine, ("Feminism & Revolution"), 03-10-76
AT-061 Sullivan, Margaret, ("Ethnicity in St. Louis"), 11-30-72
AT-062 Symington, Stuart, 1st Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Lecture, 10-23-70 (digitized)
AT-063 Szulc, Tad, ("US Involvement in the Middle East"), 11/20-21/75
AT-064 Taylor, Telford, ("Nuremberg & Vietnam"), 01-26-72 (digitized)
AT-065 Dr. Martin Towey, on Black Jack community's low income housing project controversy, 04-13-72 (digitized)
AT-066 Turner, Emery (Dean, Business), 04-26-72 (digitized)
AT-067 UMSL - 10th Anniversary 10-07-73 contains speech by Brice Ratchford on the growth and accomplishments on UMSL campus (digitized)
AT-068 Van Dyke, William speaks at opening of f.64 exhibit at Gallery 210, 04-03-78 (digitized)
AT-069 Veri, Clive (Extension) 03-03-72 (digitized)
AT-070 Walters, Everett, interim Chancellor, 1/24/73 (digitized)
AT-071 Williams, Betty, Irish peace activist, 10-31-79 (digitized)
AT-072 Woods, Donald, jounralist and anti-apartheid activist, 11-01-78 (digitized)
AT-073 Young, Marilyn, 04-21-76, Women in the Chinese Revolution (digitized)
AT-074 Commencement, 01-07-79
AT-075 Commencement, 05-06-79
AT-077 Commencement, 05/72, 05/73
AT-078 Commencement, 08-04-74
AT-079 Commencement 05-15-77
AT-080 Commencement (Margaret Hickey, speaker), 05/75 5
AT-081 Commencement, 08-06-78
AT-083 Commencement (Charles F. Knight, speaker), 05-16-76
AT-084 Commencement, 08-07-77
AT-085 Commencement, (James C. Olson, speaker), 08-01-76 5
AT-086 Commencement, (Neal Primm, speaker), summer '75
AT-087 Commencement, (Leonor K. Sullivan, speaker), 06-11-69
AT-088 Commencement, (Stuart Symington, speaker), 06-06-68
AT-089 Commencement, (1st Graduating Class - John C. Weaver, speaker), 06-09-67
AT-090 Commencement, (Roy Wilkins, Pres. NAACP, speaker), 06/71
AT-091 Burkholder, Mark , 02-21-79, (15th Anniversary Project), digitized (RESTRICTED UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER HIS DEPARTURE FROM CAMPUS)
AT-092 Dougherty, Charles, 02-13-79, (15th Anniversary Project: topics include UMSL's formation, UMSL's status, the "urban mission", Center for Academic Development), digitized
AT-093 Fedder, Edwin, 02-16-79, (15th Anniversary Project), digitized, 2 discs
AT-094 Franzen, William, Dean-School of Education 02-21-79 (15th Anniversary Project) digitized
AT-095 Haimo, Debbie, Math Professor, 03-26-79 (15th Anniversary Project) digitized
AT-096 Hause, Steven, 03-05-79
AT-097 Smith, Wendell, 02-27-79
AT-098 Smith, Chuck, 03-07-79
AT-099 Spencer, Fred, 04-06-79
AT-100 Trojcak, Doris, 02-28-79
AT-101 Turner, Harold, 02-20-79
AT-102 Honors Convocation (Walter C. Daniel, speaker), 04-24-69
AT-103 Honors Convocation, (Elmer Ellis, speaker),11-20-64
AT-104 Honors Convocation, (Dr. Jones, speaker), 03-02-65
AT-105 Honors Convocation, (Edward Palmquist, speaker), 04-10-64
AT-106 Honors Convocation, (Walter Scholes, speaker), 11-15-63
AT-107 Honors Convocation, (John Schwada, speaker), 05-13-66
AT-108 Honors Convocation, (Raymond R. Tucker, speaker), 04-11-67
AT-109 Forum on Race, Poverty & Education, 11-14-73
AT-110 Revolution Seminar, (Dr. Charles Hamilton - "The Meaning of Revolution"),
AT-111 Revolution Seminar (Drs. Lament & Pocock - "Cromwell and the
English Revolution"), 04-19-72
AT-112 Revolution Seminar, (Dr. Martin Miller - "The Problem of Ideology
in the Russian Revolution")04-20-72
AT-113 Revolution Seminar, (Dr. Theodore Von Laue - "Lenin in 1917—Prophetic
Leadership"), 04-20-72
AT-114 Racism, Sexism and the American Experience 05-07-71
AT-115, 116, 117 Symposium, ("Sports & American Society"), 02/16-18/72
AT-118 Truman Symposium, 03/01-02/73
AT-119 Wedemeyer, Gen. Albert, 11-05-76
AT-120 University Close-Up, 02/72
AT-121 Debate: C. Brice Ratchford w/ Sen. A. Clifford Jones, 05/73
AT-122 Admissions & Student Aid Committee, 01/31-02/01/74
AT-123 "Pulse" - KSD Radio, (St. Louis area grad. prgms.)
AT-124 10th Anniversary Special
AT-125 Symposium - Arnold B. Grobman installed as Chancellor 04-21-76
AT-126 Commencement 01-08-78
AT-127 Woods Hall Dedication 08-07-77
AT-128 Commencement (Charles Dougherty, speaker), 08-03-80
AT-130 Gwen Gregory, Rosalind Johnson, (Equal Opportunity for Women), 09-26-73
AT-131 Mueller, H. E.(Director, Admissions), 03-28-74
AT-132 Murry, Donald A. 03-21-74
AT-133 Bugg, James, (UMSL's first chancellor), 05-03-74
AT-134 Sapp, Virgil, (Dean, Extension), 11-20-73
AT-135 Miller, Kenneth, (Prof., Fine Arts), 12-05-73
AT-136 Perry, John, (UMSL Business Officer), 11-30-73
AT-137 Smith, Chuck,(Director, Athletics), 05-01-74
AT-138 Sargent, Lyman Tower, (Prof., Political Science), 04-08-74
AT-139 Miller, Jane, (Prof., Chemistry), 04-23-74
AT-140 Dreimeier, Donald, (School of Business), 05-14-74
AT-141 Williamson, Jane, (Prof., English), 06-05-74
AT-142 Krasnoff, Alan, (Prof., Psychology), 01-28-74
AT-143 Parks, Jane, (Dept. of English), 04-01-74
AT-144 Turner, Emery (Dean, School of Business), 10-18-73
AT-145 Primm, J. Neal, (Prof., History), 01-31-74
AT-146 Whitner, Joy, (Dean, Evening College), 12-04-73
AT-147 Miller, Jane, 07-15-75
AT-148 Armbruster, Charles, (Chair, Dept. of Chemistry), 11-01-73
AT-149 Fagan, Margaret, (Director, Women's and Outstate Programs), 11-21-73
AT-150 Driscoll, Glen,(former chancellor), 10-06-73
AT-151 C. E. Potter on UMSL's 1st years (1960-63), 05-02-74
AT-152 Alberta Slavin, ("Women in the '70s"), 06-08-75
AT-153 Layne, Lucille (UMSL Women's Center), 02-07-74
AT-154 Optometry School Open House, 10-12-80
AT-155 Commencement (William Hungate, speaker), 12-21-80
AT-156, 157, 158 Alumni Association ("Growth of UMSL")
AT-159 Commencement, 01-06-80
AT-160 Commencement, 05-17-81 5
AT-161 Nelson, James J. (Chief, UMSL Police), 07-07-81
AT-162 "Exploring St. Louis" - KSD (UM's Role in St. Louis Area Schools),
AT-163 "Exploring St. Louis", (Problems of Urban/Suburban Gov'ts in St. Louis Area), 05-25-75 (digitized)
AT-164 "Exploring St. Louis" (Economic Health of St. Louis), 07-27-75
AT-165 "Exploring St. Louis" (Health Care in St. Louis), 08-25-75
AT-166 "Exploring St. Louis"(U.N.I.T.E.D. - Special Ed. Programs at
UMSL), 09-28-75 (digitized)
AT-167 "Exploring St. Louis" (Biofeedback & Mind Expansion), 10-27-75
AT-168 "Exploring St. Louis" (The Optometry School Question), 12-28-75
AT-169 "Exploring St. Louis" (Women's Extension Programs at UMSL),
AT-170 "Exploring St. Louis"(Crime in St. Louis), 02-22-76
AT-171 "Exploring St. Louis" (Federal Funding for St. Louis), 03-28-76
AT-172 "Exploring St. Louis", (Recording St. Louis History), 04-18-76
AT-173 "Exploring St. Louis" (UMSL Relations w/ St. Louis Area), 05-16-76
AT-174 "Exploring St. Louis", (Creative Aging), 07-18-76
AT-175 "Exploring St. Louis", (Non-Traditional Education), 08-15-76
AT-176 "Exploring St. Louis", (UMSL Downtown), 10-24-76
AT-177 "Exploring St. Louis", (Business School Services to St. Louis),
AT-178 "Exploring St. Louis", (Bus Service for UMSL Students), 06-26-77
AT-179 "Exploring St. Louis" , (Center for Academic Development),
AT-180 "Exploring St. Louis",(Community Psychological Service), 09-25-77
AT-181 "Image St. Louis" - KSD Radio, (Cultural Events), 02-13-77
AT-182 "Image St. Louis", (Individually Guided Education), 11-14-76
AT-183 "Image St. Louis", (Marillac Dedication), 09-12-76
AT-184 "Image St. Louis", (MA in Elementary Ed.), 05/9-10/76
AT-185 "Image St. Louis", (New Concepts in Home Studies), 09-14-75
AT-186 "Image St. Louis", (Urban Youth), 08-10-75
AT-187 "Image St. Louis", (Higher Education for the Evening Student),
AT-188 "Image St. Louis", (Progress & Problems in Education),
AT-189 "Image St. Louis", (University Year for Action), 03-09-75
AT-190 "Image St. Louis", (Women's Athletics), 02-09-75
AT-191 "Image St. Louis" (The Commuter Campus), 12-08-74
AT-193 UMSL Ten Year Anniversary, (Ward Barnes, Brice Ratchford, James Bugg,
et. al.), 1973
AT-194 Faces of UMSL, (for 10th Anniversary), 1973
AT-195 Arnold Grobman, Chancellor, 3rd Annual Report to the Community, 05/781
AT-196 Arnold Grobman, Chancellor, 2nd Annual Report to the Community (excerpts),
AT-197 Chancellor's Awards Presentation Program, 09-30-81
AT-198 Commencement (Elizabeth Clayton, speaker), 08-02-81
AT-199, 200, 201 Philosophy Symposium 10/81
AT-202 Bader, Robert S. (Dean, Arts & Sciences), 12-30-82
AT-203 Benoist, Howard, (Director, Center for Academic Development), 12-28-82
AT-204 Christensen, Jerry , (Dean, School of Optometry), 01-07-83
AT-205 Doyle, Jim (Philosophy) 12-23-82
AT-206 Farrell, Blair K., (Director, University Relations), 12-16-82
AT-207 Arnold Grobman, Chancellor, 12-15-82
AT-208 Jones, E. Terrence, (Dept. of Political Science), 12-23-82
AT-209 Krash, Ron, (Director of Libraries), 12-23-82
AT-210 MacKinney, Arthur, (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs), 12-21-82
AT-211 Maclean, Sandy, (Dean of Student Affairs), 01-03-83
AT-212 Martin, Shirley, (Dean, School of Nursing), 12-28-82
AT-213 McKenna, Joseph P. (Economics), 12-29-82
AT-214 Mowrer, George (Education), 12-21-82
AT-215 VanderWaerdt, Lois, (Director, Affirmative Action), 12-20-82
AT-216 Jackson, Jesse, 04-17-84
AT-217 Morning Edition in St. Louis( highlights), 09/25-27/85
AT-218, 219 Morning Edition in St. Louis
AT-220 Barnett, Marguerite, (Chancellor, UM-St. Louis), 03-02-87 (digitized)
AT-221, 222 Friends of UMSL Meeting, 11-10-80
AT-223 Grobman, Arnold, (former Chancellor, UM-St. Louis), 06/14, 21/88 (digitized)
AT-225 Franzen, William, 11-17-88 (MISSING)
AT-226 Primm, James Neal, 11-18-88 (digitized)
AT-227 Goode, Sen. Wayne, 11-23-88 (MISSING)
AT-228 Driemeier, Donald , 12-08-88 (MISSING)
AT-229 Leloup, Lance, 12-14-88 (MISSING)
AT-230 Van Uum, Betty, 12-19-88 (digitized)
AT-231 Timpe, Larry, 01-18-89 (MISSING)
AT-232 Matteucci, Paul, student curator, 03-09-90 (digitized)
AT-233 Tucker, Jean 04-03-81 (MISSING)
AT-234-251 River Forum Symposium 01-11-4
AT-252-256 Art as Protest/Protesting 11/29/93
Art Symposium
(AT-257-276 Christian Hospital Systems Oral History Project)
AT-257 Arthur Seewoester, 05-16-94
AT-258 Mildred Volkmann, 05-17-94
AT-259 Paul Kohnen, 05-25-94
AT-260 Dorothy Espenscheid, 05-26-94
AT-261 Paul Detrick, 05-26-94
AT-262 Dr. James Allen, 05-31-94
AT-263 Gerry Kamenko, 06-14-94
AT-264 Bruce Woodruff, 06-16-94
AT-265 Vernon (Gene) Netherton, 06-20-94
AT-266 Ron Milligan, 06-21-94
AT-267 Paul McKee, 06-22-94
AT-268 Dr. Myron H. Jacobs, 06-27-94
AT-269 Fred L. Brown, 06-28-94
AT-270 Dr. Joshua Jensen II, 06-29-94
AT-271 Dr. John Headrick, 07-06-94
AT-272 Edward H. Givens, 07-12-94
AT-273 Dr. Anthony Fathman, 07-14-94
AT-274 -284 Great Decisions, 1967, Foreign Policy Series, Extension Division)
AT-277 Communist China and the U.S..
AT-278 India and Pakistan
AT-279 Vietnam - What Price Peace?
AT-280 Yugoslavia and Rumania
AT-281 Spread of Nuclear Weapons
AT-282 New Deal in Chile
AT-283 NATO in Crisis
AT-284 War on Hunger
DVD-285 Prof. James Neal Primm interview, 6/17/09
DVD 286 Lois Schoemehl, alumna, interview 10/19/09
DVD 287 "Country Club to Halls of Ivy," Wendell Smith interviews Roy Bergmann, 1998
DVD 288 Dave Ganz, School of Business, 3/10/10
DVD 289 Lol Barton, Professor of Chemistry, 3/18/10
DVD 290 Jane Miller, Professor of Chemistry, 3/18/10
DVD 291 Dr. Jim Westbury, member of the Committee of 28, 6/8/10
DVD 292 Vince Schoemehl, alumni interview, 12-2-10
AT 293 President Jimmy Carter at UMSL Town Hall Meeting, October, 1980 (digitized)
AT 294 Marillac Dedication, 9-12-76 (digitized and available as streaming audio)
University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121